DHS Squirrel

BFRO Expeditions in 2012 Open to New Participants


All of the expeditions last four days. Arrive Thursday evening. Go home Sunday morning.

2012 Expeditions :
January to June
2012 Expeditions :
July to December
Feb. 23 (Thurs.) - Feb. 26 (Sun.)

Motel option 15 min. from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

arkansas   British Columbia
(Vancouver Island)

July 12 (Thurs) - July 15 (Sun.)
No motel option near camp. 2WD w/ SUV clearance OK


Eastern Ohio
Apr. 19 (Thurs.) - Apr. 22 (Sun.)

Motel option 10 min. from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

ohio   Northern California
(Bluff Creek area)

Aug. 2 (Thurs) - Aug. 5 (Sun.)
No motel option.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
bluff creek
IA Hill Country
Apr. 19 (Thurs.) - Apr. 22 (Sun.)

Motel option 20 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
iowa2   Central Colorado

Aug. 9 (Thurs) - Aug. 12 (Sun.)

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

Eastern Kentucky
(Daniel Boone Zone)

May 3 (Thurs) - May 6 (Sun.)

Motel option 40 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
kentucky   Michigan UP
(Upper Peninsula)

Aug 16 (Thurs) - Aug 19 (Sun.)

Motel option 20 min from camp
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
Northern Arizona
(Mogollon Rim Zone)

May 10 (Thurs) - May 13 (Sun.)

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
arizona   Alberta, Canada
(Kananaskis Area)

Aug 23 (Thurs) - Aug 26 (Sun)

Motel option 25 min from camp. 2WD & Trailers OK

Western Washington
May 17 (Thurs) - May 20 (Sun.)

Motel option 40 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK


Northern California
(Mount Shasta area)

Sept. 6 (Thurs) - Sept. 9 (Sun)

No motel opt. 2WD & Trailers OK


Southern Illinois
May 24 (Thurs) - May 27 (Sun.)

Motel option 15 min. from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

illinois   Northern Minnesota

Sept. 6 (Thurs) - Sept. 9 (Sun)

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

Canada: MB/SK Border

June 4 (Mon) - June 8 (Friday

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK

saskatchewan   West Virginia
Sept 20 (Thurs) - Sept 23 (Sun)

Motel option 25 min from camp. 2WD & Trailers OK
west virginia
Central California
(Southern Sierras)

June 7 (Thurs) - June 10 (Sun)

Motel option 30 min. from camp.
2WD w/ SUV clearance OK

sequoias   Central Colorado

Oct. 4 (Thurs) - Oct. 7 (Sun.)

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK


British Columbia
(Sunshine Coast)

June 14 (Thurs) - June 17 (Sun.)
Motel option 25 min from camp. 2WD & Trailers OK

sunshine   Northern Florida

Oct. 18 (Thurs) - Oct. 21 (Sun.)

Motel option 20 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK
Northern Utah

June 21 (Thurs) - June 24 (Sun.)

Motel option 30 min from camp.
Vehicles: 2WD & Trailers OK


Steps for Registration:

1) If you have never attended a BFRO expedition before then you should read this page to prepare yourself mentally.

2) Click here for REGISTRATION and FAQ

[Animated frames of the Patterson-Gimlin footage near the famous frame 352 (where it looks back at camera). This 1967 footage shows a retreating, adult female sasquatch, in remote coastal mountains of northern California.]

William Roe sketch
[Eyewitness sketch of a young female saquatch observed on Mica Mountain, British Columbia, Canada in 1955]

fern cynA long weekend with the BFRO will allow you to learn what would take years to learn on your own. The BFRO has identified many potential habitat zones after collecting thousands of sighting reports for more than 15 years. The expeditions target these habitat zones.

We select territories with a history of credible sighting reports, etc. The reports you see posted on the web site are only a fraction of the information we have. They are only the first hand reports, and the ones that witnesses have allowed us to post publicly on the web site.

The expeditions are scientific in nature, but you will only understand where these efforts fall in the scientific process once you have experienced it for yourself. No other scientific efforts will happen with respect to these animals unless these expeditions happen first, because the BFRO is figuring out how these animals can be studied.

One of the purposes of these expeditions is to show people how these animals operate, so more people can help us identify other habitat areas in the US and Canada.

At this stage, many previous expedition attendees have managed to encounter these animals in other areas, after learning our techniques for identifying habitat zones and provoking an encounter there.


[Composite sketch of adult male sasquatch as encountered by a hunter on a military base in northern Georgia in 1979. ]


Some comments from participants:

... "My expectations were not high for this trip. I really had no expectations of hearing or seeing anything, so I was pretty amazed when we finally found tracks." ....

Ken Fitzpatrick - NY, NY

..... "This was the first time in four years of investigating this subject that I actually got to hear one." ....

Mark Harrison - Roanoke, VA

..... "I would like to thank the BFRO for allowing me to attend the Sierras expedition. This was a true learning experience for me. I was very impressed with the high quality and the knowledgeable individuals.This BF mystery will only be solved by a team effort like this."...

Roy Cowan - Bakersfield, California

.... "The [New Mexico] expedition was fantastic! If you do more expeditions next year I would like to participate."

Paul Mateja - Buffalo, NY

frame 72 PGF

... "The WV expedition and follow up trip were amazing. I met a lot of great folks and enjoyed myself to the hilt. I know I'll be seeing many of you again. Until then, my best to you all." ...

Dave Donlon - Washington DC



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