DHS Squirrel
Report Form

If you only want to speak with a sasquatch researcher about your incident, then your report will not be posted on the web site. Either way, we request that you fill out the form below.

Simply fill out this easy-to-read form with as many details as you can provide. Try to remember everything relevant to the incident.

IMPORTANT !! : Sometimes the sighting report form below will not submit the information to our server if this page is open for too long before you hit the SEND button at the bottom. So if you think it will take you more than about 30 mintues to write up your report, then you should write it out first on a separate document (any kind of document) then copy and paste the information into the appropriate fields below.

Before you begin writing it up you should look through the sighting form below, and note down the various types info requested. Then all you'll need to do is copy and paste that info into the appropriate fields below and click the "Send" button at the bottom of the page.

If you'd like to send us comments or inquiries please send an email to

Don't bother submitting joke reports or fake reports. They will not be added to the database.

What was seen, heard or found?

Please tell your whole story here. If you had a visual incident, take extra time to be as descriptive as you can be about the appearance and behavior observed. As mentioned above, if it's a long story and you need more than 30 minutes to type it up, then type it up first in a separate document (any type) then copy and past the text into this form. Otherwise it the form might "time-out" when you finally click the Send button. All will be lost if it was not typed into a separate document first.

When did this incident occur?
Enter the year:
Select the season:
Select the month:
If known, enter
the specific day of the month:

What time of day or night did the incident occur?
Also describe the lighting conditions and weather conditions at the time of the incident.

Where did it occur?
What was the nearest city or town?
What was the nearest road or highway?
In which state or province did the incident occur?
In which county did the incident occur?

Please provide any other information about the location, including directions to it. NOTE: at your request, this information will not be posted online if it might cause any sort of problems. (Why location details are important to include.)

What was the environment like?
Please describe the environment where the incident occurred. (E.g., pine forest, swamp, etc.) Be sure to note any nearby landmarks or structures. (E.g. creek bottom, mountain ridge, bridges, etc.)
Were there other witnesses?
How many witnesses were involved? What were the witness(es) doing just prior to the incident?
Was there anything else noteworthy?
If anything else unusual was observed, found, or heard at the location before, during, or after the incident, please note it here.
Have you heard of any other incidents like this in the same area? If so, please give any details here.
Confirmation Question
Please indicate the colors of the United States flag:
(We need to make sure only humans use this form!)
How can we contact you?

You will need to include some kind of contact information with this report, even if it is only your e-mail address.

Your contact information will NOT be displayed on the web site or shared with third parties. (Notice that no other witness's contact information is displayed on the web site either.) It is needed so that a BFRO researcher who may have additional questions about your report can contact you if necessary.

If you have any additional special requests concerning the privacy of your report, please let us know here. For example, if you request, your entire report can be kept completely confidential.

Please use the boxes below to enter your name, e-mail address, and phone number. Please double-check that each is entered correctly.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Phone number:
If you'd like this report to be directed to a particular BFRO researcher, please enter that person's name here.

Once your report has been submitted, it may take some time for a BFRO investigator or researcher to contact you. Do not be offended or discouraged if no one responds to you immediately--it does not mean your report has been disregarded. Because the BFRO is a volunteer organization and receives many reports each day, response times can vary and priority is given to the most recent incidents. Eventually all legitimate reports will be checked out.
If you'd like to ask about the status of a submitted report,
please use the Comments page to send in your query. You should refer to your report by the year, county and state of the incident.

If you'd like to offer suggestions or comments about this web site, or have other feedback about the BFRO, please use the Comments page to communicate with us instead of this report form.

If you have already sent in a report and you now need to correct something in that same report, just use the Comments page to explain where the corrections should be made, and we'll take care of it.

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