DHS Squirrel

Big Phil - Trail camera image comparisons, etc.

Note: The date on the Big Phil image (above) is incorrect.
The actual date of the photo was 2/14/07.
The time/date stamp had not been set properly.
The image is dark because the flash was disabled.
The figure is facing away from the camera.

For the original file from the trail cam, click here.

Don Young's wife Carol, standing at the same spot, several days later. Carol Young is 5 feet 6 inches tall. Her long hair is not pulled back in this image. The hair adds 2-3 inches to her apparent height in this night shot. Carol is facing toward the camera.

The time/date stamp on the Carol image is correct.


There is only one bright light source in this image. The light source, a bright flood lamp, is
suspended from a telephone pole 50 yards away. It is almost directly in line with the figure.
The hair tips on both figures glow on both sides of Carol and Big Phil because
hair/fur is somewhat translucent. It will appear to glow when refracting an
illumination source behind it. The pole and lamp can
be see in the color daylight images below.

Brightness and gamma adjusted. Again, the figure is facing away from the camera, unlike the other shots with Carol and Don. The following morning: To avoid standing on the tracks in the snow, Carol stands three feet behind the tracks in this image.

Time/date stamp was still not set properly when this image was taken -- February 15, 2006.

Looking toward the spot where Big Phil stood, the image above shows where the trail-cam was mounted. It is strapped to the side of a metal vehicle ramp/rack.

Don followed these tracks into the woods with a video camera. There is several minutes of video. The tracks led to an area with dense tree cover and many deer beds.
Don Young -- the hunting guide who obtained the photos.


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