DHS Squirrel

Big Phil - Statue or Wild Animal?

The photo of "Big Phil" was obtained by Don Young on February 14, 2007.
It got its nickname from the location -- outside the small town of Phillips, Wisconsin.

The camera system: Stealth Cam model STC-AD3X.

Group members are divided about the provenance of this image. At first glance many believe it is fake. The people who are familiar with the location believe it is not fake. Both sides agree that there

The photo in question was obtained with an motion-detection-triggered "trail-cam", at a property outside Phillips, Wisconsin, near the South Fork of the Flambeau River.

The man who set up the trail-cam, Don Young, is a professional hunting and fishing guide. He spends a lot of time stalking deer herds in the forests near Phillips, to make sure he knows where to bring his customers during the fall deer hunting season. Don described a handful of BF-related incidents over the past few years, including one within a few hundred yards of the property where the photo was obtained.

Several people from the BFRO met Don Young during the BFRO's 2006 Wisconsin expedition. His observations led the group to a swampy tributary of the South Fork of the Flambeau. Over the course of two weeks in June, at least 40 of the 65 participants heard the distinct sounds of sasquatches around the perimeter of the swampy tributary. At least 10 of the participants reported stalking and brief rock throwing encounters around this tributary.

In the months follwing the expedition Don was visited by a few people who heard about the activity in the area, including documentary producer Doug Hajicek and animal phermone expert Dr. Greg Bambenek.

Hajicek and Bambenek were impressed enough with Don to provide him with a digital trail-cam. Don set up this camera after it was noticed that four of the seven cats (domestic cats) on the property were missing. It was assumed that a predator was to blame. Don wanted to get a photo of whatever predator might be involved. He knew there was a possibility that a sasquatch might be involved.

On February 14 the trail-cam was triggered a few times during the night. It snapped a few photos, but all those images were very dark. The camera has a visible white flash, but the flash had been inadvertently disabled. Even with the flash disabled, the unit still snapped photos when triggered by motion.

On the morning of February 14, Don checked the camera and found several dark images. He erased all of the dark images except the last one which showed a curious halo of back-lit illumination on something. When the brightness and gamma was adjusted on the image, the silhouette of a large upright figure was visible.

Shortly after seeing the enhanced image, Don returned to where the camera had been aimed to look for tracks in the show. There were many.

More notes about the case. [Link to a separate article]

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Diagram of trackway. Ingress and Egress.
Click the icon above for a larger version.

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