Vancouver Island is directly north of Washington's Olympic Peninsula. It is one of
the great hotbeds of sasquatch encounters in the Pacific Northwest. It is large
-- larger than Vermont, New Hampshire or Belgium. The "island" is more
like a peninsula, almost connected to mainland British Columbia in the
north, separated by a relatively narrow channel that allows large mammals
to cross such as elk, deer, bears and sasquatches.

Nearly all of the BFRO's prior expeditions to the island yielded Class
A and B encounters.
BFRO organizers bring participants to areas where
they will have encounters with Bigfoots at night. The odds of
success depend on their selection of locations, among other
things. Selecting the best locations depends upon
sighting/encounter information -- the more, the better -- so the
BFRO selects organizers who have the most information in a given
state, and who have experience organizing trips there.
The 2020 BFRO expedition to Vancouver Island
will be led by Blaine McMillan, and will be assisted by drone operators.
Blaine retired from the Canadian Air Force after 27 years of service. He
lives on Vancouver Island and has a very promising location selected for
this trip.
Blaine wrote about his prior experiences on Canadian
BFRO expeditions. Here's the cover and link to order it online:

Vancouver Island
Click thumbs for more photos