DHS Squirrel

2024 North Carolina Bigfoot Expedition

Dates: April 11 - 14, 2024 (Thursday - Sunday)

BFRO organizers bring participants to areas where they will have encounters with Bigfoots at night. The odds of success depend on their selection of locations, among other things. Selecting the best locations depends upon sighting/encounter information -- the more, the better -- so the BFRO selects organizers who have the most information in a given state, and who have experience organizing trips there.

The leaders of this expedition are long time BFRO investigator Rick Reles, and Steve Lamb and Jeff Blair. Rick has co-organized many expeditions with Lori Wade. He pays close attention to sighting reports from the Carolinas, and he will be assisted by several experienced bigfoot investigators from surrounding states.

The BFRO now encourages all attendees to have three types of optical devices that are very helpful on trips like these:

 1) Small daylight video camera with 50x *optical* zoom -- basically a small telescope that records video. ($400)

2) Small thermal camera with 4x zoom for use at night. (BFRO brand = $1000)

3) Small daylight drone with excellent zoom camera. (DJI Air 3  = $1,550).

Among these three items, the one you will find most helpful in a bigfoot area is a thermal camera. Without this type of device it is unlikely that you will spot and record any animals in the dark.

The BFRO sells high-resolution (384 lines) thermal cameras for much lower than retail price, because we want as many people as possible to afford them. See BFRO homepage for more info about those cameras. Click on thermal image of the guy with a dog. You will not regret owning one of those devices. A good thermal video camera is MUCH more useful for squatching than the best nightvision video camera.


 For instructions about how to register and the cost, etc., please read the entire Frequently Asked Questions page.

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