DHS Squirrel

2007 North Carolina Expedition Notes

Dates: May 17-20, 2007

Location: North Carolina. The county of the expedition will not be released, at the request of the attendees who are returning to this area periodically. The expedition suceeded in identifying a probable habitat zone. There were several compelling incidents and observations during the expedition, and there have been several compelling incidents and observations since then, in this same area.

Number of expedition attendees: 36 from 10 states (NC, SC, VA, GA, WV, OH, IN, NY, CA, FL)

Number of Class A sightings: 3 (all with hand-held thermal units)

Number of Class B sightings: 10 (5 sound-only & 5 low-light sightings)

Number of video clips of sasquatches obtained on this expedition: 0

Number of audio clips of sasquatches obtained on this expedition: 1 very good recording of a series of loud signaling knocks; 2 other less compelling recordings

If you would like to lend assistance to this effort and/or meet the other BFRO investigators in this general part of the country, you will need to register for the next public expedition in this region -- the BFRO's South Carolina in November 2007.

If you would like to attend the South Carolina expedition (November 8-11, 2007), please send an email to

See links below for individual notes from the attendees.

A Class B witness is one that either heard indicative sounds, or had an unclear (obscured, unilluminated, fleeting, etc.) encounter/sighting. These types of incidents have occured on most of the expeditions, but not without a lot effort probing many areas before sounds were finally heard in a particular area. On some expeditions, incidents occured in more than one area. On the NC 2007 expedition, incidents occured in four (4) different zones, each a few miles apart.

Inevitably, whenever there have been Class A sightings in the course of an expedition, more attendees have gotten to hear them than see them. Although sounds recordings are not as dramatic as video footage, they are easier to obtain, so more emphasis will be placed on obtaining recordings of the sounds heard.

There has been consideration for the consequences of releasing the recordings. The benefit of releasing recordings is that more people will recognize their characteristic sounds. The primary risk in releasing recordings has to do with the violent intentions of some people. Also, we've noticed that certain areas which were previously reliable, in terms of sounds responses, have become less reliable over time. Many people in the group suspect the reason is desensitization -- the sasquatches have "gotten wise" to our mimickery of their sounds, and have stopped responding as reliably as they used to. Consequently, various BFRO members are urging greater caution about what information is released, regarding locations and techniques.

With regards to the 2007 North Carolina expedition, there have been return trips to this zone by some of the attendees, and more Class A and Class B incidents. At the time of this writing, another return is gearing up, and equipment is en route to help obtain recordings and video footage.

The people conducting those return trips will relay their own observations via our public message board, and take questions from the public. The participants of each expedition have their own private message board to confer and arrange future outings in the same area.

The publicly accessible record we seek to build are the observations of behavior and habitat/ecology, and audio recordings. Questions from the public can too easily drift into issues of origins, policy, etc., which are wide topics in themselves. That drift will be resisted because it will tend to muddle a more basic log of observations and habitat information.

A few important habitat patterns, throughout North America, relate to ungulate concentrations, rain, brush cover, and wind patterns.

Sounds/sightings of sasquatches occur most often in areas with relatively high concentrations of wild, hoofed animals (deer, elk, wild pigs, etc.). The number of wild, hoofed animals seems to be affected by the amount rain, and the amount of brush cover, and the degree of protection from wind. Wind taxes body heat, and creates noise which makes it more difficult to hear predators approaching.

Reliably predicting where sasquatches will be requires several layers of information. The most important layer is the local history of sightings, footprint finds, etc. The next most important layer is the local knowledge about ungulate herds. The dominant ungulate in North Carolina is white tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus).

This factor is so crucial to figuring out where sasquatches will be, that BFRO expeditions will often focus on deer first, as the way to find the sasquatches in a given region. We anticipate that future research will prove, or at least strongly suggest, that the culling of natural predators to deer (and other ungulates) -- predators such as cougars and wolves -- led to a population increase of ungulates in many parts of the country. That population increase of ungulates created a bounty for predators that were more adaptable to sharing forest environments with humans, namely coyotes and sasquatches.

On the 2007 NC expedition, only a few deer were seen on the first few days. Then on Saturday night some attendees were driving to a location a few miles away when they spotted a huge herd of deer crossing the highway. This was unusual because a local outdoorsman told us the deer would be more dispersed in May and would typically herd up in Fall before the rutting season. The herding of the deer in Spring may have been a response to pressue from shadowing predators.

Notes from Various Attendees:

Notes from Tommy Poland (North Carolina)

Notes from Jerry Adair (Georgia)

Notes from Patty Lee (South Carolina)

Notes from Matt Pruitt (Georgia)

Notes from Chris Peterson (Virginia)

[More notes are being added]



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