DHS Squirrel

2025 Missouri Ozarks Expedition

April 24 - 27 (Thursday - Sunday)

BFRO organizers bring participants to areas where they will have encounters with Bigfoots at night. The odds of success depend on their selection of locations, among other things. Selecting the best locations depends upon sighting/encounter information -- the more, the better -- so the BFRO selects organizers who have the most information in a given state, and who have experience organizing trips there.

 BFRO organizer Mary Ann Ziebell will be leading the 2024 trip. 

The Missouri Ozarks have a long history of sightings, etc. The terrain is similar to the terrain in southeastern Oklahoma -- lots of deer supported by copious amounts of acorns from hardwood forests.

The dates chosen for this expedition means the leaves are just beginning to grow back, thus more visibility through the tree canopy compared to later in Summer. That helps with thermal imagers and drones, or both.

To register for this expedition please send an email to after you have read the Frequently Asked Questions about the expeditions.


To register for the 2021 Missouri Bigfoot Expedition see the BFRO expeditions FAQ page.

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