DHS Squirrel

2009 BC Coastal Expedition

Date: August 13- 16, 2009

Target area: British Columbia's Sunshine Coast.

This part of the BC coastline is indeed sunnier than other parts of the BC coast (especially in summer) due to the rain shadow effect of the mountain ranges on Vancouver Island.

This dramatic coastline is cut into peninsulas by deep inlets. The sparse human population is concentrated near the coastline. Only a few miles inland from the coast are vast tracts of dark, ferny, mossy forests harboring healthy herds of Roosevelt elk and white-tailed deer. These sprawling coastal forests are where the encounters and rock-throwing skirmishes have occured on prior BFRO expeditions.

The 2009 BC Coastal expedition is open only to BFRO members and/or people who have attended prior BFRO expeditions (anywhere).

If you fall into this category and would like to attend this expedition, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

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