BFRO List of Bigfoot/Sasquatch Media
Photos - Sound
recordings - Eye Witness Sketches - Collections - Film & Videos
Sasquatch Sound Recordings
Coyote sounds often mistaken for Sasquatch Howls
Eyewitness Sketches
- The Bob Titmus collection of tracks, papers and memoribilia, along with other
pieces of northern California bigfoot history, are on permanent display at the
Willow Creek - China Flat Museum (in Willow Creek, California).
The collection includes the original track casts from the Patterson film site
in nearby Bluff Creek.
Films and Videos
This web site will not list the various clips that are known to be fake.
There are several. It should be no surprise that some people will attempt to
create bogus clips. The pertinent clips are those that may be authentic.
- The 1996 New York Baby Footage
-- A dimly-lit, shakey clip obtained by campers at Lembo Lake, outside Poughkeepsie,
New York
- The 1967 Patterson-Gimlin footage -- also known as "the PGF," among
bigfoot afficionados -- Obtained in 1967 during a bigfoot hunt in Northern
about PGF
The PGF has been included in a few different documentaries over the
years. There have been several short "In Search Of" type programs
that have used blurry, degraded copies of the PGF in their compulsory
bigfoot/sasquatch episodes.
The DVD version of the documentary "Sasquatch:
Legend Meets Science" contains the entire footage -- the clearest
version available.
- The documentary "Sasquatch: Legend
Meets Science" is the most up-to-date documentary about scientific
evidence and video footage. This documentary covers the shift in attitudes
among the scientific community in recent years, and records the examination
of the Skookum cast by three well known primate experts, including Dr. Daris
Swindler -- considered to be the top primate anatomy expert in the U.S.
- The 1970's feature film documentary "The Mysterious Monsters" also
includes the PGF. The Mysterious Monsters was an augmented remake of a popular
70's TV documentary, "David C. Wolper Presents: Legendary Creatures".
It had a sucessful cinema run in the early 70's. It was never released commercially
on video.
- The Paul Freeman footage was filmed in Blue Mountains region near
the Washington/Oregon border. In the beginning of the clip, Paul is following
a line of tracks into a grove of trees where an large animal is seen moving
away from him.
Paul Freeman (now deceased) worked for the local watershed district
when he had his first encounter in a restricted forest area. He was
ridiculed after first sighting, but then began to carry a camera with
So far no one has shown a side-by-side comparison, with the Freeman footage
on one side, and a human wearing a similar "costume" next it. As
with the Patterson figure, it is not easy to duplicate the Freeman figure.
Paul Freeman was a man of small means. He would not have been able to construct
a Hollywood-caliber "costume".
This footage is also contained in the documentary, Sasquatch:
Legend Meets Science.
The "Memorial Day footage" was shot by Lori and Owen Pate in 1996,
at Chopaka Lake in north central Washington State (click here
for map).
Multiple witnessed observed this figure cross the hillside
as Lori videotaped it. This is the third clip analyzed in Sasquatch:
Legend Meets Science Several minutes of the progam is dedicated
to a forensic reconstruction of this figure and its movement across
the hillside.
- The 1970's feature documentary "The
Legend of Boggy Creek." -- the first, and most widely recognized documentary
This documentary contains no actual footage like the PGF. All scenes
are re-enactments depicting local incidents from the Arkansas-Texas border