DHS Squirrel

BFRO Pacific Northwest Newsletters

The BFRO's Pacific Northwest Newsletter will only be available on this web site, in this format. It is no longer e-mailed to anyone and will not be updated on a consistent basis -- only when there is enough new information to justify a new volume.

VOLUME IV: September, 2002

  1. Sasquatch Vocalizations
    Types of vocalizations and their meanings
  2. Sasquatch in New England
    A report on sasquatch sightings in the northeastern United States
  3. First 'Wireless Wilderness' Project Ends
    A report on the results of recently-concluded two-year effort by the BFRO to obtain photo and video images of sasquatches

VOLUME III July, 2001

  1. Skookum Meadow Expedition Report
    Detailed summary of the 8-day expedition that led to the discovery of a sasquatch impression and the making of what has come to be known as the Skookum Cast

VOLUME II: July, 2000

  1. Report on Gifford Pinchot Expeditions
    Roster of attendees, highlights, photos, summary
  2. Recent Incidents in Pierce County, Washington
    Remote area south of Tacoma is the focus of recent investigations
  3. Choosing Locations for Wireless Monitoring
    A location in Western Washington illustrates what we are looking for
  4. Always Be Prepared
    Tips to insure you will be ready when the evidence presents itself

VOLUME I: March 2000

  1. Thom Powell on the Wireless Wilderness Project
    Preparing for electronic monitoring of wilderness areas
  2. Willow Creek, Calif.: Bigfoot Museum Grand Opening
    The grand opening of the new Bigfoot wing of the the Willow Creek - China Flat Museum
  3. Field Investigation Near MT. Rainier
    BFRO volunteers find tracks and hear vocalizations in the Mt. Rainier National Park
  4. Snohomish County Location
    BFRO investigators have located possible recent activity northeast of Seattle
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