Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Lawrence County > Report # 50318
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, November 29, 2015.
More strange incidents reported from an old Farmplace near Blaine
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YEAR: 2015
SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: 10-21-15 STATE: Kentucky COUNTY: Lawrence County NEAREST TOWN: Blaine KY NEAREST ROAD: Rt. 32 OBSERVED: This is a follow-up report. It is about the 50 lb. dog food a week, and the x tree marker I found by my deer stand in early fall of 2015. First the dog food. I moved my game cam to see if I can figure out why so much dog food is has been missing. No surprise there. Just pics of me and the dogs. What is surprising is I haven't had to buy any dog food for around three weeks! Again this is down from a 50 lb. dog food bag a week to a 50 lb. bag bought over three weeks ago and the only thing changed is the camera. The other thing is what some call a tree marker. I found this in early Oct. When I went to check on my deer stands. It is made out of two large branches that cross to make a x shape. It also has a twig in the middle that is y shaped upside down. One end of the big branches is stuck in the roots of one tree and the other end is supported by the branch of another tree. The other branch that makes the x has one end stuck in the ground and the other in a branch on another tree (the one with first branch stuck in roots) with a smaller branch put in to hold it. When I first found the x marker the leaves had started falling and I found three of different colors and put them on center twig half way down the y. The next week they was gone. Ok no big deal. Before leaving I put an apple in the crook of the tree the x was on out of reach of deer and placed three more leaves on the y twig, made sure they would stay by breaking the y's end. The next week I went back and no leaves and apple is gone. Maybe some other critter got the apple, I don't know, My game cam is still on dog food. Anyway I left another apple a jar of pb and tied on a piece of blaze orange string on the x. This time a couple of weeks go by and some friends and I go riding and I asked if they would want to see the x. It was night, we rode to the x, apple was there but the peanut butter was missing. We looked around and couldn't find it. I said look for tracks, none found, so we checked out the x and my friend found a hair on the x marker. We went back home and she pulled the hair out of her pocket so we could check it out. It is an inch long and curly but the weird thing is its clear looking. I still have it and pics of the x marker, however what gets me is when I went hunting on the 21st of Nov. I went to the stand by the x marker (10 ft away) and the jar of peanut butter was on my stand with the lid on it and 2/3 missing!! I am the type that has to see or have real good proof of bf before I believe. However a lot of strange stuff has been going on around here and I wanted to share. OTHER WITNESSES: two friends with me when hair found OTHER STORIES: A friend of mine had his camper lifted off the ground at 4am a few times and when he went out to look nobody around and no wind and his dog didn't bark. TIME AND CONDITIONS: day and night ENVIRONMENT: Thicket with old strip mine reclaim behind and hard wood forest in front of
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:
I spoke to the witness on the phone and he sent pictures of the wood structure near his stand. In a previous conversation regarding his previous Report #50064, the witness said that he was going through about 50 pounds of dog food per week for two regular size dogs. I have two dogs and I might go through 50 pounds a month. I suggested that he put his game cam on the food trough located in his car port. He said he would as soon as deer season starts. This would potentially show other thieves (raccoons, possums, coyotes). I also thought that using a game cam would serve as a deterrent to Bigfoot stealing food. Bigfoot is known to be quite camera shy. Sure enough, the witness called me up a month later to say that he set up the game cam over the food and the consumption of dog food had significantly decreased. I then asked him to take the camera off of the dog food to see if consumption would increase to fifty pounds a week. I am waiting on those results. The witness reported dirt clods and stones being thrown at him from the steep hillside beside his garden last summer. He said that he would focus his attention on staking tomato plants and a stone would land nearby. When he stopped pounding the stakes and look up to the source location of the missile attacks, he would see nothing. Upon resuming the pounding, another rock would land nearby.
Here are the photos he sent me of the "tree markers" by his deer stand:
The "X" was found in the woods where the peanut butter jar was moved to from the deer stand, "X" measuring 5' x 7':

One of our hair experts looked at the hair and said it was from a coyote.
About BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:
Jack Smarr is retired military and worked primarily in Field Artillery, Armored Cavalry and Armor units. He participated in TN 09,10,11,WV 2012 expeditions; and helped organize KY 2013 expedition. He organized the 2014 KY Daniel Boone Expedition, the 2015 Central Kentucky Expedition, the 2016 Carter Caves State Park Expedition, Northeastern Kentucky 2017, Kentucky 2018 and has conducted private expeditions in Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio.