DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Calhoun County > Report # 20423
Report # 20423  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, July 22, 2007.
Sighting by two teenagers in woods near Albion
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YEAR: 1979


MONTH: October

DATE: 18

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Calhoun County

LOCATION DETAILS: albion north of I-94 29 mile rd just N. of h dr. Behind school house on right.Behind swamp in apple orchard


NEAREST ROAD: 29 mile rd.N

OBSERVED: This was October just after my birthday. It was getting chilly in the late afternoon. My friend and I were bored so we decided to go walking around in the woods adjacent to my home which was a one room school house my step dad was remodeling. We did these walks often, looking for cool places to build forts or just exploring.

This time we went further back through an old apple orchard and thats when it happened. As we were walking we both noticed it was really quiet. No sounds of birds or animals. Nothing at all. We were a little amazed at the silence. Then the wind picked up a little, which blew the leaves around. There were still a lot on the trees. The leaves blowing broke the silence, so we started to move on.

I had this weird feeling of being watched. I told my friend. He said he had it too. At that moment we both heard this loud thumping crunch. I said, "Did you here that!?" He nodded yes, afraid to talk because it was loud and close, robably 50ft away. It was like something had stomped the ground. I said it sounded like it came from over there, turning to the direction of the noise, we both saw this big upright animal covered in hair. It immediately moved into the deep brush and trees while making this deep kind of throated noise like "Ugh!"

All we could see was the back 3/4 the way up the stomach, the butt and the left leg going into the brush. It wasn't crouching. It was upright, like it was just walking by. I started running, not thinking of my friend. I ran as fast as I could to my house which was about a 350 ft away, through dense brush, partial swamp and a trail.

When I stopped my friend was right there, which surprised me, because I thought I could run faster than him.

This thing's leg was at least as tall as me. I was about 5'4 at 14 years old. It was dark reddish with some grey in it about 3-4 inches long. The fur was super thick. It's leg was thicker than my body.

Out of the blue my friend recently visited me. We haven't seen each other since high school and we're both in our forties now. The second thing he asked was do ya remember what we saw behind your house. I told him yeah we saw a dam bigfoot, and I don't think I have ever run so fast or strong since, not even when I was in the marines. Since then I have been always watchful for these critters.

ALSO NOTICED: Deep impressions in ground.Trees broken.Loud screams before and after.At time thought screams were owls.Know I know better.

OTHER WITNESSES: Yes my friend (name removed per witness). We were just walking around.Stepfather has since passed away.

OTHER STORIES: Havn't heard of anyone one else reporting anything in this immediate area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: around 4-5 pm getting dark weather was fair overcast it had rained for a couple days pryer

ENVIRONMENT: Apple orchard that was abandoned and over grown alot of schumack trees, choke cherry and thick brush bordering swamp.An old one room school house.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

I spoke to the witness by phone, and found him to be very sincere about his ordeal. Not many more details can be added to the report. When he saw the creature, he noticed that it was walking away from him, 'leaning' forward walking into some brush and trees. He knew it wasn't a bear or a moose, and based upon what he seen, he later estimated it to stand near 9 feet tall.

The impressions later found in the soil were 2.5-3" deep, while no impressions were able to be made by the witness or the others with him. He had also heard some heavy, bipedal walking in this same area on another occasion.

About BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

Eric Lester is a medical professional and has been investigating possible Sasquatch sightings since 2004.
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