DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Indiana > Washington County > Report # 14845
Report # 14845  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, June 5, 2006.
Possible vocalizations heard near Fredericksburg
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YEAR: 2006

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 30th

STATE: Indiana

COUNTY: Washington County


NEAREST TOWN: nearest larger city New Albany, IN

NEAREST ROAD: highway 150

OBSERVED: I have been reluctant to beleive what my mother says because she has always been a little squirrley, it runs in her family, but she told me several years back that my uncle was outside one night drunk as usual, another reason i was reluctant to believe her, but the story goes that something big and hairy got after him and he crawled up under the pickup truck to keep it from getting him. They live in southern Indiana in a remote area. They own about 60 acres that was my grandmothers. The area is rolling hills some big enough to be considered mountains. It lies northwest of Louisville, KY and east of Paoli Peaks, IN, a fairly well known ski resort town. I often wondered about the things they say they have seen and heard in the woods. They live about 3/4 of a mile back off the road in a trailer in the middle of a thick woods with alot of tall cedar and pine trees oaks and walnut trees also. the woods is heavy with alot of undergrowth and alot of sink holes and caves. Houses are spaced out in the area with alot of other heavily wooded properties joining theirs. Years ago my grandmother didn't know what to call it but she reported to us of being chased back the lane by 2 adults - a larger adult and a smaller adult and 2 young ones. My siblings have heard howls but not really seen anything. My brother was killed in an automobile accident on Memorial day and we went up to help them make funeral arrangements on May 30th 06. I was on my way to the truck, it was probably between 11pm and midnight, my kids and husband were already in the truck we all had colds and my son was caughing so he my daughter and my husband did not hear it. It was a howl that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I am a country girl, I've heard a coyote, dog and wolf howel before and this wasn't any of those. I listened to the howls on your website and that is exactly what I heard only this one was alittle higher pitched like it may have been a younger one. My husband said all he could hear was my son coughing, I didn't want to be the only one who heard it. I told my sister the next day and she said yes I've heard it many times before. You don't have to prove to me that they exist I just want to know if that is what is in their woods. I am concerned for my parents safety. They are both dissabled and don't need to be back there alone but they are too stubborn to sell it and get closer to town and when they are gone that land will go to us and I don't intend on sharing it with "Old Hairy." He's gonna have to pack his family and move on. I'd like to have proof to show the world that yes, they do exist. [Edited]

OTHER WITNESSES: several over the years, grandmother who is now in nursing home with alzheimers my mother, my uncle my dad doesn't talk much so i'm not sure what experience he's had. I only heard the one howl, but my sister has heard it many times.

OTHER STORIES: I would like to know if any other people from this area have heard or seen anything, but the thing is it is a low income rural area with alot of druggies and drunks and your basic scum of the earth type people that you either may not trust or would have trouble believing. There are a few reputable people in the area but i don't live there and have the time to try to find much of anything out.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 11pm to midnight pitchblack slight fingrnail moon hot muggy

ENVIRONMENT: alot of tall trees oas hickory and others heavy undergrowth alot of cedar and pine very hilly area land not real good for farming so it's mostly either grown up wooded or pasture.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

I spoke to the witness about what she experienced. When she heard the howl she was outside of her truck and heard what at first sounded like an ambulance. She eventually realized she was not hearing an ambulance, but a howl. She compared it to the Ohio howl found on the website, but said it was higher pitched and lasted a little longer. It also sounded as if was far away. Her family was in their truck at the time and could not hear it. She said it isn't similar it to anything she's ever heard before.

The story she heard from her grandmother was when she was young, so no details were obtained at the time. She also stated that other members of her family have heard howls like the one she heard - her sister has heard them on multiple occasions, and her daughter has heard something she said 'was like the dinosaurs in the movies'.

The area where this occurred is close to a mile down a rural dirt road, surrounded by thick woods on all sides. There is some farmland in the area, and lots of natural caves. The Blue River runs through Fredericksburg, which is located between Hoosier National Forest and Clark State Forest.

About BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

Eric Lester is a medical professional and has been investigating possible Sasquatch sightings since 2004.
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