DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pend Oreille County > Report # 62796
Report # 62796  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, April 29, 2019.
Snowmobilers hear wood knocks along Dry Canyon Road near Caldwell Lake
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YEAR: 2018

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pend Oreille County

LOCATION DETAILS: On Dry Canyon Road...right near where the big huge rock caves are


NEAREST ROAD: Sullivan Road

OBSERVED: I had become aware of bigfoot in the Northwest during 2018 and started paying more attention to some odd things I would see. The area my boyfriend's cabin is at is near Caldwell Lake, WA.

The main thing I want to tell you was that Dec. 2018 we were snowmobiling during a very cold snowy day out Dry Canyon Road...very primitive area...a few people have cabins in the area and people hunt this area but we are about the only people snowmobiling this road.

As we ride our sleds we stop to take breaks and enjoy the beauty. We had stopped a few times, taken our helmets off to rest and enjoy the beauty. When we got to the big caves and stopped, my boyfriend said,"Listen" and there it was...wood knocking. We would here it down the road a bit, up the mountain and then you would here a response from across the road where a creek flows and it is dense brush, maybe a hunting trail. We were sure it was not trees creaking from the weight of the snow...We had not heard this sound. I got really full of anxiety and wanted to leave so we did. I have been sort of scared since this and have quit looking.

ALSO NOTICED: Up the road in a flat forested area I became aware of 3 trees that did not look right. It looked like they were pushed together to form a point at the top. The beginning of me being observant of the bigfoot.I walked back in there to check it out while my boyfriend sat in his truck and did not see how they could have gotten this way. That was probably Sept. 2018. A deer scared me from across the road and I bolted out of the forest then winter came. It looks like the trees are not in the same shape now put we can't get the truck back in there to look at it yet till the road drys out.

OTHER WITNESSES: Myself and my boyfriend. We were snowmobiling up Dry Canyon Road. He had a remote cabin in this area and we spend lots of time here. Very primitive area.

OTHER STORIES: I googled bigfoot in that area and found a few sightings at or near Sullivan Lake, WA. Two summers ago there was a bad fire lasting many days. I knew if bigfoot was there they would need to move away from that area, possibly near the Dry Canyon Road area or move on north towards Canada. That was one of the things that made me more aware. We have not seen sights at the cabin...just Dry Canyon Road...but...we have not been looking to hard. I am really sort of scared of what might be out there and don't want out good times in the forest ruined.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Snowing, cold, overcast...probably early afternoon

ENVIRONMENT: Heavily forested...mountain ridge, damp area, big, big rock caves. Lots of forest and small creek. Large pond up the road...ducks,beaver, deer and moose in the area.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

I spoke to the witness by phone.

Her boyfriend has visited his cabin for twenty years and she has gone there for fifteen.

In August 2018, she saw trees shaking before the deer ran out. This startled her.

In December 2018, she heard "wooden bat on tree" knocks from two locations. There were three knocks, then a pause of about thirty seconds, then same response from another location. This happened five to six times. She became very anxious. No trees were shaking. No odor was detected. She did not see any animal tracks because it was snowing.

Early 2019, they drove to the cabin just after the snow melt. One night, she heard whoops for over one half hour. She has spent a lot of time there and is sure it was not an owl. On the second night, the whoops continued for about one hour. Her boyfriend stepped out on the deck and the whoops stopped briefly but began again. The boyfriend said the whoops changed to a growl but she did not hear that as it was about 1:00am and she turned in for the night.

She writes that she is somewhat scared and does not want their good times in the forest ruined. I discussed with her that the knocks may have simply been Bigfoot signaling each other of her and the boyfriend's presence, or the knocks may have been a distraction to draw attention away from a family unit nearby. I wanted the witness to enjoy future time outdoors and be alert, but not anxious.

This region around the larger Sullivan Lake has history as a Bigfoot area.

About BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

Kevin has camped, fished and hunted in Eastern Washington all his life. His interest in Sasquatch began when he was 10 years old and saw Roger Patterson present "the" film. He lives in Eastern Washington.

Recently retired, he was a veterinarian since 1984, after graduating from Washington State University.

He attended Washington BFRO expeditions in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Oregon in 2015 and 2018, Montana in 2017 and 2018. He was co-leader of N.E. Washington 2019, Washington 2020, 2021 #1 & #2, and Montana 2020, 2021expeditions.

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