DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Virginia > Amelia County > Report # 31594
Report # 31594  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, January 1, 2012.
Memory told of a possible sighting of two juveniles tree climbing at sundown near Farmville
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YEAR: 1980

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 30

STATE: Virginia

COUNTY: Amelia County

LOCATION DETAILS: I would have to ask, a friend who hunted with my husband sometimes on directions, husband Andrew passed away 5 yrs ago. Just remember going by Appomattox surrender grounds, and taking a left before entering farmville, va

NEAREST TOWN: Farmville,va

OBSERVED: My ex's step father was born in Amelia County, Va, so my husband hunted a lot where his step father had family land there, I would sit in the car while he went hunting. It was getting dark [dusk] and I could hear children playing, but just over looked it. A few minutes later my husband scared me when he came up to the car from the rear, and eased the door open to put his shotgun in the back. He was uneasy about something, so I asked what was wrong. He told me to roll up the car windows, but leave a crack for air. He was scaring me, which he never did, he was scared of NOTHING. He pointed to a large tree in the field ahead of us. What I saw was the SAME animal you showed in the Dec 31, show [NY State]. It made the hair on my neck rise, and a chill go down my back, I still feel that fear even today. It looked like 2 of them, just crawling around a huge oak tree. One of them went behind the tree, then appeared at the base, and looked around the tree at us. Chills ran down my spine, and we started the car and we left. We were going to spend the night, but drove home to Lynchburg, VA that night. He never went back to that spot again, and it took him a long time to even go back there hunting.

ALSO NOTICED: heared nothing except the sound of children playing, and noticed no other sounds,or animals around, very quiet

OTHER WITNESSES: just me and Andrew, but we told alot of people about it.

OTHER STORIES: Andrew said here were all kind of tales, but nothing ever said or reported to anyone.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: dusk, warm but not hot, clear day

ENVIRONMENT: open field in the middle of farm land, farm land for miles and miles.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator D.K.:

After conversing with the witness, the following details can be added to her report:

-The tree where the figures were seen climbing was approximately 50 yards in front of her vehicle.

-While waiting in the car she was reading a book and never bothered to look up or investigate the sounds of children playing in the distance.

-When she did finally look at the tree, she saw what looked like two small, dark brown, hair covered figures climbing and moving around through the branches and foliage.

-As she watched, one of the figures quickly descended the tree, moved around behind it, and then peered out from behind the tree to look at her and her husband in their car.

-As it looked back at her, it stood up-right and held one arm above its head, and the other arm below its chest.

-The witness was struck with fear as the creature looked in her direction, and she could feel the hair on her neck raise.

-While the one figure was on the ground, a second individual continued to move about in the foliage of the tree.

-She was moved to submit her report after seeing the episode of Finding Bigfoot that focused on the Doug Pridgen Footage (a.k.a. the "New York Baby Footage") filmed in the Catskill Mountains. She felt the subject in that film looked and moved very similarly to what she observed that day in Virginia.

I was unable to speak to her husband, unfortunately he passed some years ago.

About BFRO Investigator D.K.:

D.K. is a business executive with an MS in Systems Engineering. Formerly a linguistic analyst, he applies his knowledge to the collection and study of sasquatch vocals and communication patterns. BFRO expeditions attended: Tennessee 2010, Pennsylvania 2011, Ohio 2012, West Virginia 2012 & West Virginia 2013

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