DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > West Virginia > Greenbrier County > Report # 28702
Report # 28702  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, January 10, 2011.
Daylight sighting by a father and son of a Bigfoot crossing I-64 west of Lewisburg
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: January

DATE: 5th

STATE: West Virginia

COUNTY: Greenbrier County

LOCATION DETAILS: Occurred at approx. 168 mile marker on a long steep hill. Woods on both sides of the highway. No parked vehicles on sides.



OBSERVED: While driving from Richmond, VA to Charleston, WV, on I-64, I saw what I assumed was a deer run into heavy east-bound traffic. One vehicle had to brake hard to avoid hitting this thing. When it came out between the cars and hit the grassy 70ft. median, it was running like a sprinter runs. I thought "That's not a deer, it's a man". He never slowed down when he got to the west-bound lanes and ran right behind a car passing an empty log truck. He almost ran into the rear of the truck, so he stopped. At this time I saw that he was covered from the top of his head to the ground with long dark brown hair. As soon as the truck passed, he sprinted across the lane and into the woods. The middle of his shoulder was even with the bottom of the cradle on the log trailer. When I passed this point, my 30yr. old son saw him running up the hill through the woods.




TIME AND CONDITIONS: At 5:05 PM. Sun had just set. It was clear and cold.

ENVIRONMENT: Hardwood forest both sides. Appalachian mountain range.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Russ Jones:

I talked to the father the same day we received his report. I initially had hoped to drive to the spot on I-64 but that day we had a severe winter storm which blanketed all of West Virginia in large amounts of snow. The witness is a retired gentleman and his son who also witnessed the bigfoot is 30 years old. This witness and I talked on the phone for about 45 minutes about his sighting and I found him to be a kind and amiable man.

In addition to what the witness initially added I can add the following.

The area where the sighting took place has no immediate houses around. There were no vehicles parked anywhere on the side of the road. There were woods on both sides of the interstate at this point.

The sighting took place at 5:05 pm. It was just starting to get dusk. As the animal crossed the median he noticed that the arms were long and that its posture was bent forward and shoulders hunched forward.

When he initially saw the animal they were about 200 yards away coming toward it. They were very close when the animal was forced to stop for the logging truck and he noted the hair color and length to be similar to an auburn colored golden retriever. They were close enough to see the hair "set down" when the creature stopped. Being able to compare the height of the animal to the logging truck, the father believed it was 6 - 6 1/2 feet tall.

I also talked to the 30 year old son who was in the passenger seat. He told me that he had heard of bigfoot before but did not know that they were in West Virginia. At the closest point he was about 50 feet from the animal as he was looking out the passenger window as the animal climbed the hill after crossing the interstate. He stated "I know what I saw and it was not a person".

I have been in this area many times and have taken another report within 5 miles of this location about a year ago. I was on a private expedition with several other investigators very close to this location last spring. It is within 5 miles or so of the Monogahela National Forest. The area of the sighting is significantly lower in elevation than the surrounding mountains which may mean less severe winter weather. There is also a lot of farm silage in the area which could be a winter food source. I have no obvious reason why the bigfoot chose this spot to cross. We receive numerous reports of sasquatches crossing roads under all types of conditions. Greenbrier County is an area rich in beautiful countryside, remote wilderness, and an abundance of caves. I have included satellite imagery of the location.

About BFRO Investigator Russ Jones:

Dr. Jones brings a background of hunting, trapping and outdoor experiences together with undergraduate and graduate education. He is a master naturalist and has attended numerous public and private expeditions. He has led expeditions for the BFRO in Ohio and West Virginia. He has written two Bigfoot books, the last “The Appalachian Bigfoot” was an Amazon best selling book. He hosts the Wide Open Research Podcast on the Untold Radio Network. Dr. Jones may be contacted at

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