DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Snohomish County > Report # 1669
Report # 1669  (Class B)
Submitted by witness J.P. on Saturday, November 21, 1998.
Witness saw a large man-like figure deep in the woods
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YEAR: 1998

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Snohomish County

LOCATION DETAILS: Near sultan basin road.



OBSERVED: I and my friend were riding horses in the hills near my house on trout farm road. Well we have to go on this hill to get to sultan basin road. We were going threw the woods and I felt that something was watching us. I turned and looked in the woods beside the path and I saw a large man like figure deep in the woods. I told my girlfriend to pick up a little speed that I was not feeling to good. So we got the horses into a trot and I told her to go a little faster so we did. I did not tell her what I saw because I knew she would freak out. I still have not told her about it. I told my husband. He and my friends husband went to the hills were we were riding. They did not find anything. But my husband said that he felt like something was watching them too. I dont know if it was some one or maybe a bear. But I know that I dont go riding up in those hills by myself.

OTHER WITNESSES: We were riding horses I saw something she did not.

ENVIRONMENT: Deep wooded area near power lines up in the hills.

A & G References: Pg 80, A2

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