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Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Clallam County > Report # 77561
Report # 77561  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Billiejo Gall on Saturday, August 17, 2024.
RARE INSTANCE OF PHYSICAL CONTACT BY A SASQUATCH: Lady inside tent grabbed momentarily through tent

YEAR: 2024

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 2-5

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Clallam County

LOCATION DETAILS: [Investigator (MM) Notes:

This happened on private property so we won't be providing GPS coordinates for the location. The cabin property is a few miles outside the town of Beaver (population 258), in the northwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula. Olympic Peninsula is the northwest corner of lower 48's.]


NEAREST ROAD: [Road info removed. It's a few miles outside Beaver]

OBSERVED: I was told this property has been in the family since the 1800's. I remember when I was a small child going there and something bad happened that scared me so bad that I never wanted to go back, but I can't remember what.

50 years later, I decided to go back for a family reunion camping trip on the property. We got there July 2, 2024 about 12pm. We setup camp the tents. They were popup tents with covers (that cover the air vent net windows) that staked into the ground.

Afterwards we visited with 2 family members that were staying in the cabin. Each day it was clear and hot and the nights were clear and very cold. The whole time we felt like we were being watched. We had a uneasy feeling about being there. We heard lots of noises roaring/growling (not like any animal we have ever heard before, but it was from a large animal), whooping sounds.

It was in one area then over then in another area. I joked about that it almost sounds like they are talking to each other. And lots of other animal sounds (that I recognized from growing up in mountain country).

We would hear frogs crooking and then all the sudden stop and we would hear cracking of sticks and breaking of branches in the woods. My uncle said it was just animals in the woods and that it was nothing to worry about.

We went to bed about 12:30am. At about 1am my mom sat up and looked behind her at the back of the tent and then moved over and layed back down and went to sleep.

The next night the same thing happened again with my mom. The third night we all sat by the fire pit and my mom went to bed at 11pm and slept in the car. My grandson and I went to bed at 11:26pm. We heard lots of fireworks going off, echoing through the valley.

Since my mom was sleeping in the car, I moved the air mattress (queen size about 3 feet tall) to the center of the tent. I layed on the side closest to the door, on my right side to be able to see the door.

I climbed into the sleeping bag and put another blanket on top of the sleeping bag. I zipped up the sleeping bag and covered my head and put the flashlight inside of the sleeping bag with me, in case my grandson yelled for me.

I wasn't tired so I don't remember falling asleep. When I slept it was always a light sleep so I could hear my grandson so 1/2 asleep 1/2 awake. All the sudden, I felt the back of the tent touch my back and then something grabbed my arm and started shaking the air mattress violently. Then a bright white light starts shining on the back corner but up off the ground of the tent but there was no noise.

I was so scared I could see the light through the blanket and sleeping bag. Whatever it was stopped shaking and bouncing the air mattress and let go of my arm and the light disappeared.

I turned on my flashlight and sat up quickly and looked at my cell phone. It was 1:46am. I looked at the back of the tent. It was moved forward about 5 to 7 feet. I got up and went and checked on my sleeping grandson. He was fine.

I moved the cover of the tent forward. The cover was still where I had originally staked it into the ground next to the woods. I moved it to cover the tent back up.

I was confused about what just happened. I didn't sleep the rest of the night. When daylight came I packed up everything and came back home to Lacey. I wasn't going to stay another night.

I didn't feel at ease until about 1/2 way home. When I got home I told my son what happened then went and took a shower. When I got done I was looking in the mirror and putting deodorant on and noticed the fingerprints my left arm and showed my son and he took pictures of it.

ALSO NOTICED: I left on Friday. By Sunday I was told that my uncle (paraplegic, in a wheelchair) who was staying in the cabin on the property, was found staring and he didn't know where he was. 911 was called and they took him to the hospital. A couple days later he died.


OTHER STORIES: None, I didn't ask. I just wanted out of there.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: early morning
dark, cold

ENVIRONMENT: family property
bottom of mt. range

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

I called and spoke with this witness.

She and her family were camping on family property near the town of Beaver, Washington. Many years ago, when she was a small girl, something happened on this property that made her not want to go back. This was the first time since then that she went to the property.

The family was all together for the Fourth of July week. They had tents all spread out over the property. Her tent was right up against the forest.

The first couple of nights her elderly mom would jump up from her sleep and turn around behind her (face to the woods). This happened three nights in a row.

There was a feeling of being watched. All the family noticed and commented on it.

She said that they could hear owl calls and whoops and said it felt “unusual”. They also heard vocalizations that sounded like a roar-growls that sounded angry. These sounds came from up the hill behind their tents. There were also frogs that were croaking loudly, but then the frogs would go silent.

They could hear the sounds of something big walking around in the woods, snapping sticks as it walked. They could also hear branches being broken off trees.

11:26PM, July 4th they went to bed. She slept lightly. Something at the back of her tent pushed in on the tent to where it touched her back.

She was laying on her side facing the front of the tent, back to woods. Something grabbed her left arm hard enough through the tent fabric to leave finger nail marks on her arm. She sent these photos of the marks on her arm.

Whatever was on top of the tent was also bouncing up and down on her air mattress while holding onto her arm. She said that it hurt.

She has one of those tall air mattresses, about three feet high. Suddenly there was a light that lit up her tent. She was not sure where the light came from.

Whatever was bouncing on her tent and air mattress let go of her arm and left. She stayed up the rest of the night. When she got up that morning, she said that the tent had been pushed forward, away from the woods by about 5-7 feet. Something had hit it with enough force to move the tent with her inside.

The tent was not staked down. She packed up and went home the next day. It was after she got home that she noticed the fingernail marks in her arm.

I looked over the area using Google Maps. I asked her if she could send me a diagram of where she was, which she did via e-mail. Here is the diagram.

You can click this image to enlarge it.

The property is right next to the forest, with an unfettered access to millions of acres of the Olympic National Forest. The terrain behind and to the south of their property rises up in elevation, giving any large animals the high ground for observation purposes.

There were many people there, including many kids. I feel like this would naturally draw any local sasquatches in for a look, including juveniles.

If it was a sasquatch that night, then the family was definitely being observed for several days. There were many people there, including children. Children playing are a common element that brings sasquatches, including their juveniles, to observe what is going on.

Juvenile sasquatches are known to be a lot less disciplined than the adults. A juvenile possibly jumped onto the tent from the nearby trees with enough force to slide the tent along the grass.

The tall air mattress would have acted like a trampoline, which would have encouraged the sasquatch to bounce up and down.

Needing to hold onto something, it grabbed whatever it could, and just happened to grab the witnesses’ arm hard enough to leave fingernail marks.

From the photos provided, it is clear that whatever grabbed her arm was small, yet strong. One can see four fingers and a thumb marking her arm.

I anticipate going to this property soon to do an on-scene investigation.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.