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Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Lewis County > Report # 31749
Report # 31749  (Class B)
Submitted by witness No on Wednesday, January 4, 2012.
Vigorous wood knocking and vocalizations unnerve a backpacker near Packwood

YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 3rd

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Lewis County



NEAREST ROAD: Highway 12

OBSERVED: I'm (Name edited-out), I had an encounter with what I know was a bigfoot. I was camping in Packwood WA and about 1:00 a.m.on July 3rd, 2011 I was building up my campfire when I heard the ungodly hollars, there were many and knocking of log against logs, and throwing stuff in the lake. The lake was between my campsite and where bigfoot stood. We know you had a research team outside of Packwood and I would like to meet with someone to discuss further. I've been hunting in Packwood and in the Gifford Pinchot National Park for approximately 33 years and I know the entire area very well. I don't want to tell you right now exactly where I was because it's my hunting area but I would like to talk to someone knowledgeable about Bigfoot. You can reach me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx any time. (Phone number edited to protect the privacy of the witness)

OTHER WITNESSES: none, just me

OTHER STORIES: yes, on your show and from other folks in town

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 1:00 a.m., clear skys, 85 to 90 degrees,

ENVIRONMENT: provide above

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

The witness is a life-long hunter who knows this area, as well as the animals that live there. He knows the sounds those animals make. From talking with him about his experience, there are more details to his report which I will add.

He came to this small lake from the north side, following a ridgeline trail that descended down hill from a road. He said the hike was about 3 miles going in. He set up his camp on the east side of the lake. He had been gathering wood in the evening, and chopping and snapping branches for his fire. It was early morning, and he was stoking his fire in preparation to go to bed, when something started wood knocking further up the hill. He said that it was his custom to stoke up the fire before going to bed in order to keep animals away. It continued to wood-knock loudly as it came closer and closer. When it got near the lake, it began to vocalize. He described the vocalizations as a "roaring scream". He said that it also made whooping sounds. It came down near the lake on the west side, the side opposite from him. He would knock, and it would knock back. It was scaring him as it seemed to be getting more agitated and was now throwing sticks at him. It was about 100 yards away. It takes a strong arm to throw a stick that far. In fear, he fired a shot in the air from his rifle in the general direction, but not at it. At no time did he see it. At the firing of the shot, the animal stopped the vocalizations and was quiet. He stayed up all night and in the morning he packed up his camp. He was too frightened to leave because he would have to go where the creature was to walk out. At about 4:00PM the next day he decided that if he didn’t want to spend another night out there with this thing, he had better leave.

The behavior he described is consistent with other reports of sasquatches when they are trying to intimidate a human to leave an area. We have a combination of factors that indicate it was not a bear or cougar. These are: the wood-knocking; the fact that it moved closer to him rather than away; it vocalized loudly at him, and it threw sticks.

I believe this witness encountered a sasquatch which wanted him to vacate the area.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.