DHS Squirrel

'Hermits' of the Siskiyous

by Matt Moneymaker, January 26, 2011

Occasionally the BFRO will present video footage that does not clearly show a bigfoot, but rather may be helpful to amateur researchers who are trying to obtain clear footage of a bigfoot.

In the lower clip you will hear rock-clacking sounds, which we believe are legit. You cannot see what is making the sounds at all. The visual portion of the video is only relevant for the context of the audio.

In the upper clip you can see (just barely) an upright figure shifting its position among the trees, apparently watching the cameraman.

The three guys who obtained this footage said they saw a sasquatch more clearly at one point while they were in this area, but they were unable to videotape that clearer sighting.

Several people in the BFRO have various reasons to believe this was a real encounter with some bigfoots. We have confidence for a few different reasons -- the context of the incident, the specific location, and our familiarity with the witnesses (three brothers from New York state).

For the past few years these three NY brothers have been making periodic trips to the Pacific Northwest to explore sighting areas. They wanted to see a bigfoot for themselves, and hopefully obtain video footage. A year before these clips were obtained the NY brothers attended a BFRO expediton in Washington state and absorbed much knowledge about the types of habitats and terrain bigfoots seem to prefer, and they learned the various do's and don'ts for inciting an approach by one.

At some point, months after attending the Washington expediton, they decided to head back to the Pacific Northwest. They went to an area mentioned in a pre-1900's text (long before the word "bigfoot" was coined) as the abode of the "Wild Man." The old text is titled "The Hermit of Siskiyou". One sighting story in the book references the zone between Happy Camp and Marble Mountain. The text says the Wild Man is believed to inhabit caves in the winter near Marble Mountain.

The location description sounds nicely specific, though in reality it is more than 500 square miles of mountainous terrain.

So the brothers looked at online maps and noted the locations of more modern reports. They selected specific areas to probe, and they stayed there for a while. Eventually some interesting things began to happen.

You can read their whole report in the BFRO sightings database.

Some of the lessons to be gleaned from the report and these two video clips:

These intelligent animals are extremely cautious and observant when alerted to the presence of human intruders. They will easily evade human intruders, day or night, but will often make distinctive knock sounds in the process.

In this type of terrain, in daylight, one squatch will make knocking sounds from somewhere below the intruders, often in a creek bed obscured by thick brush and trees. And then a different squatch will circle back to observe the intruders from a vantage point uphill from the intruders. The knocker down in the creek bed will try to hold their attention as the other squatch circles around to observe from above.

The squatch watching from above will approach its vantage point through large obstructions, such as big trees, which it can duck behind in case the humans start shooting guns in its direction.

Bigfoots living in areas with functioning roads have all, undoubtedly, observed humans hunting many times. Aside from humans driving vehicles, the activty of hunting (including poaching) is the activty they observe most often, in almost all parts of North America (if they observe any human activity at all).

The shadowy figure in the upper clip was not detered by the human aiming a camcorder in its direction. It wasn't trying to avoid being filmed. The figure likely did not equate a camera with a gun either, or else it would not have exposed itself at such close range as the human aimed the camera directly at it. It was not concerned about being shot by a gun.

Of course, this is not the only possible interpretation of that situation, but several of us think it is the correct interpreation, and if it is the correct interpretation then it is very useful to know, and probably applies elsewhere.


This first video clip does not show the figure clearly. In fact, this figure is almost unnoticeable unless you are looking in the right place.

The second video shows no figure at all, but you can hear rock-clacks if you crank the volume all the way, and listen closely with headphones or through good speakers. You may not hear the clacks at all if you are using a laptop with no headphones on.

In the first video there appears to be an upright figure watching the cameraman from the protection of a stand of trees. The figure shifts position as the cameraman pans back and forth. The movement is visible beginning around the 20 second point of this clip.


If the cameraman had noticed this figure when he was rolling video, and if he had a more powerful telephoto lens, he might have gotten the holy grail of amateur bigfoot research:

Several minutes of close-range (zoomed-in) daylight footage of a standoff with a bigfoot.

Inevitably some will say this figure, based on its appearance alone, could be a human standing among the trees. True - based on what little can be seen, it might appear to be a human form. The context of the footage, however, strongly suggests there were no other humans in the vicinity.

The footage was obtained at the furthest reach of a mountain road that had been snowed-in until just prior to the three guys driving up there. Beyond that point the road was still blocked by snow.

When an unpaved mountain road first becomes accessible after a snow melt, it is not difficult to determine if you are the first humans to enter the area, especially in remote mountains where the only practical way in is by road. These guys could plainly see that their vehicle was the first vehicle to drive up this mountain road since the snow melt. There were no human-generated tracks of any sort (e.g. no bicycle tracks, no boot tracks, etc.) for miles and miles on this wet dirt mountain road with patches of snow still on it. Indeed, there were no modern humans back in there ...

These are the sorts of circumstances and standoffish encounters which led people in the past to believe that "hermits" lived in these mountains. They were right, but these "hermits" are huge and covered with hair, and they make loud rock-clacking sounds (or wood-knocking sounds) to alert their companions to intruders.

The guy who is talking in the clip below is not referring to the tweeting bird sounds that you can hear clearly. The rock-clacks are more subtle, but they are there ...

For those folks who will watch the clips before reading this entire page -- the ones who will scream, " I DON'T SEE ANYTHING IN THOSE CLIPS!!". Here's my advice:

Look at the first clip again, closely. Watch the movement (displacement of light) in the gap between the trees indicated in the still frame above the video. The movement was not caused by a parallax effect. Something else is there, and it stands upright, and it doesn't move like an upright bear.

Then listen again to the second clip, with headphones on.

We present these clips not because you can clearly see a bigfoot, but rather because many of us in the BFRO think this was an authentic BF encounter, for a list of reasons. We think these clips may demonstrate something compelling which has been observed before in other areas -- something strategically useful to videographers in the context of a future encounter.



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