DHS Squirrel

August 2004 Expedition Reviews and Notes


Expediton Notes from Kathy Moskowitz
(U.S. Forest Service Archeologist)

OK - here are my notes from the expedition. I borrowed heavily from Kristine W., a BFRO Investigator.

Wednesday, August 4: We arrived in the Olympic Peninsula on Wednesday evening. We call blasted all over the area with no response.

Thursday, August 5: All participants and BFRO members had arrived, as had Bob Gimlin. The day was spent looking for sasquatch evidence, and several prints (adult and child) were found. In the early evening, everyone broke up into groups and walked the old roads in the area. Almost everyone was outfitted with first, second, or third generation nightvision, plus there was a thermal camera.

The highlight of the night was when one group had two unidentified bipedal animals trailing them, about 150 feet away, on a road called Spooky Road. When the group walked, the animals walked, when they stopped, the animals stopped. Through the nightvision scopes, two participants observed a large ?blob? separate into two animals?. They could see arm swing and two legs. One animal headed away from them while the other one headed right for the group. The group decided to go back to camp at that point, while others entered the area to handle the situation. Nothing further happened that night.

Later that night it began to rain and it continued to rain.

Friday, August 6: It rained all day. Most participants and BFRO members were out of camp looking for prints and several were found. When they returned, they found that the camp had been turned into a lake by the rain. The group found alternative housing at Spooky House (located next to Spooky Road). The group enjoyed a sing-along by Tom Y and A. A. Miller. Bob Gimlin talked with everyone, and a great time was had by all.

Folks headed out at dark, including some down Spooky Road. One group reported that on a secondary road, they were being trailed aggressively by something that was just inside the tree line. Nightvision did not reveal what the animal was.

Saturday, August 7: Things began to dry out from the rain. Most participants and BFRO members were out looking for prints and several sets were found. That night, two major events occurred.

First Event: The women of the group: Kathy H., Tracy, Kristine, and myself headed out to Spooky Road. We had bear spray and a .357 magnum for protection. Three had first generation nightvision scopes and one had a third generation scope. The women decided to take a different approach than the men. The men insisted on being VERY quiet and NO flashlights on, with the only way to see being by the scopes. When the women went out, we decided to be noisy, whooping, screaming bigfoot calls, and singing. About 1/2 mile down Spooky Road, and 45 minutes after broadcasted BF screams, we began to hear a series of chirps and whistles. One was making the bird noises on one side of the road and the other was answering from the other side. The brave women decided to continue heading toward the sounds. Three of us: Kathy H, Tracy, and me were looking forward while Kristine was watching our backs. The front three suddenly experienced an overwhelming fear response (like your hair standing on end) at the same time. Just then, the front three women saw a head, shoulder, and part of a leg of a bipedal animal move out from behind a tree in front of us, and then pop back behind the tree. We had been singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star just prior to the sighting. We decided to continue toward the animal, using calm, soft voices. By the time we moved about 150 feet, the animal had left (or so we thought). Strangely enough, before we even reached the location, we reported all feeling ?relieved? of the fear we had felt prior.

About five minutes later, because we had called for radio silence and had turned the radios down, we were unaware that a BFRO vehicle was on its way down Spooky Road. Needless to say, if the animals had still been in the area, it wasn?t likely they still were.

The women decided to walk down the road to another group waiting at the Spooky Road intersection. We walked around for a while before finding a large vomit pile at the Spooky Road intersection. We had baited with plums earlier and there was a pile of very fresh (still warm) plum vomit. The stomach contents included what looked like part of a frog, and plum pits, skin, and pulp. The vomit was so fresh that the scanner code stickers on the plum skins were still present. We collected the evidence using a DNA collection kit, following all protocols. The animal didn't vomit only in one place, but vomited as it walked across the road and into the north side of the forest. The samples were kept refrigerated and are currently in a freezer. Research is being conducted by Alton Higgins and Chris Whitter whether DNA can be recovered from stomach contents.

Second Event: BFRO investigator Mel and ten men were staking out a location a few miles from Spooky Road. They were doing their own vocalizations, when Mel did a ?whoop?. He then saw something cross the road about 1/4 mile away. Two minutes later, someone's dogs started going wild. Mel then ?whooped? again after they positioned themselves on another logging road where the crosser was seen. Mel started hearing big footfalls, growling, and a lot of brush moving. Whatever it was, was on two legs and moving quickly. The animal ended up within 75 feet of them, but hidden in the woods. Five others witnessed the events. Several others also reported seeing glowing red eyes in the area as well. Mel called for the thermal camera and it arrived, but after staying in the area until 4:30 a.m., no visuals were made and the thermal camera did not capture anything on film.

Sunday, August 8: Most of us, after having a great time, packed up and left.

Notes from Mel Skahan
(Forestry Technician, Yakima Reservation)

During my encounter I wanted to act normal. Here's the scenario that I presented with my partner, who was a [new] participant:

We were broke down on the road and with no vehicle traffic to be seen on this particular road, we were walking out to find assistance for our vehicle. We didn't want to make these things nervous that we are out looking for them, so we just acted normal and talked with our regular voice and hoped something would find us. Guess what? ... Something did.

With other teams stationed along the area we concentrated our efforts. I decided to take another walk The first one was uneventful, and did not feel like sitting down. As we passed a team my partner decided he did not want to continue so he asked if someone else wanted to continue the walk with me. Another participant liked the idea of walking and away we went. It was a clear night and the moon and stars were out. We were three quarters a mile away from the team we just left All of sudden an approximate four second growl came from my two o'clock position. I stopped my partner who asked "What is it?", he did not hear it clearly, and thought it was a cow and asked me if that what it was. I replied that the growl I just heard was no cow, then I asked that he be quiet. I could hear shuffling beyond the road in the brush and trees.

I then pulled my gen 3 monocular out of my pocket and scanned the area. As I was scanning in the distance I could hear off to my five o'clock position, more than 100 yards away a faint, "whhhhhhhaaaaaaooop", then I heard dogs [from an isolated trailer home further up the main road].

I got on the radio and notified the team behind us that there was activity and we were going to proceed to the next team and I hoped that this growler would follow us so they could record as we led it past them,.

I told my partner to continue talking as before like nothing happened and maybe we could get this thing to follow us past the next team staged in the brush. As we were walking I could tell it was not going to do so, because as we walked down the road I could not hear it following. We made it to the next team down the road with subject behind us where we had left it. The team down the road confirmed the did not hear anything either.

BUT, that team earlier that night was in the same area and heard something walking in the trees, however, so I asked if someone else would like to walk back through the area. I did not think of that participant, who was a riot to talk with before our encounter, but he had told me that his hearing was not keen and everything that I was listening to, he did not hear. When a member of the other team joined me, we walked back through the area. As we passed the point of the growl, I pointed the area out and we proceeded down the road.

I remembered another road that went away from the road we were walking and asked if they would like to walk that one, we all agreed. As we walked the road, I decided to try some vocalizations, I did and we waited for any response, NOTHING. I then told them I would like to try it again and we walked up the road about another 50 yards. I then made the second set of vocalizations, and the dogs went nuts.

Then the subject was on the move. My partner from the other team that joined us, heard at the same time I did, something approaching from the south. It did not stop at any time. It had heard my last set of vocals was honed in on where we were. At no time did we move, and it came right at us.

Two sets of nightvision flipped on and we watched the area it was walking. I then turned on my recorder and moved behind my partners so that they could have freedom of moving around to see the subject coming right at us. It stopped within 70 feet and nobody, NOBODY with the nightvision could see it.

During the follow up investigation to the stop by one of the guys there, we found out why it was not seen and at that time it made total sense why we did not see it.

It was walking on two legs and it was heavy, it was not trying to be quiet about it's approach. It was breaking and snapping sticks, twigs, and crunching other forest debris. This is all that I can share for now..... Will post more soon.


Notes from Kathy Harper
(Genealogist and outdoorswoman, Curator for the BFRO)

RE: 2004 BFRO August Expedition in the Olympic Rain Forest (Northwest Washington State):

The area itself was beautiful beyond words. There was a bounty of berries present, which accounted for the numerous bear tracks and scat. I also saw a lot of elk and deer sign. Some of the group saw cougar tracks. I did not. Some of the berries noted were Red Huckleberry, Salmonberry, Blackberry (trailing and evergreen) Dull Oregon grape, Salal, and Thimbleberry. Some were done and others were just ripening.

Here are my notes:

Thursday, August 5: I arrived in the early evening and got acquainted with fellow members and participants. At nightfall, I headed out with a group consisting of Bob S, Tom Y, Investigator Kristine W. and two participants. We drove to a particular FS road to walk along it in the dark. We did hear movement in the treeline, but it was obscured slightly by the sound of a creek. At one point a participant and I both stated at the same time that we heard breathing. We couldn't see anything on the nightvision.

We remained in the area until meeting up with a second group and exchanged one participant. We then met up with the group that had seen the large upright figures in the nightvision scopes. Kris and I remained with one of the witnesses to this and another participant (not a visual witness, but had heard movement)

The participant who had seen the two figures in the nightvision scope was EXTREMELY jumpy and nervous, even had me jumping at a large squeaky bat.

The rains began, and there was talk of building an ark.

Friday, August 6: Rain, rain and more rain. I took off with a small team and scouted the FS roads. Some tree breaks were noted.

Upon returning to camp we were enchanted with the lovely waterfall that was feeding a small but sturdy little stream flowing through camp and several tents. It gleefully gathered into a shallow lake at the entrance to camp. It was decided to dry out some participants and members at an abandoned house down the road.

While some team members headed back out into the storm, the others (myself included) spent the evening singing with Tom Y, A. A. Miller, Dave J, and chatting with Bob Gimlin. It was a true delight. The hot cocoa was delish!

The remaining teams began to filter in. They stated that they had been followed by something, but could not identify what it was.

Saturday, August 7: Rain subsided by noon and I headed into town with Kristine to shower and dry out my clothes that had been soaked through the day before. We got back to camp and socialized a bit then headed out at nightfall.

The all-female team decided to take a different approach than what had been used previously. We headed out with flashlights, told jokes and sang songs. I had a first generation nightvision scope. Three of the others did too, one had a third generation. We chose to head down Spooky road. I started vocalizing "whoops" and got an immediate response from a seemingly lovesick owl. It was rather amusing and when I went quiet, it tried to engage me back into vocalizing. As we got a half mile down the road, we heard a chirping whistle sound from our right and a response to this call from our left. We extinguished our flashlights and kept using calm voices. I began to feel uneasy, the uneasiness turned into a feeling of utter fear.

I am not a fearful person and I often hike at night, However, the hair on the back of my neck rose, I felt like I had lead in my belly, and my voice began to quiver when I sang. Tracy (participant) and Kathy M. (curator) commented on the same feeling. The investigator, Kristine W.,in back of us did not.

I raised my nightvision and saw something large about 40 yds ahead of us on the right. It was a large head/shoulder and what looked like a leg seemingly peeking out from behind a tree and moved back. We remained as calm as possible, and moved toward it.

Since we had been singing prior to the sighting, we started singing again, this time it was Brahms's Lullaby. The feeling of fear had subsided by this time and we could see nothing in the nightvision. Moments later we saw a truck heading our way. This was the group that had been five miles up the road call blasting.

After a very brief update, they departed and we tried to engage our visitor once again. It was unsuccessful so we moved back toward the main FS road to meet up with another team.

It was my thought that perhaps the animal used the distraction of the vehicle to vacate the area.

We met up with the two other team members Tom Y. and a participant at the end of the road and decided to hike out a bit on the main FS road. Nothing of real interest was noted until we started back toward base camp. Kristine commented that something was paralleling us in the tree line on the Spooky road side. We decided to continue moving along and try to act casual with some members scanning the tree line while we walked.

As we came to the junction of Spooky Rd and the FS rd we were on, some of us noted what at first looked like wet leaves, but upon closer inspection was obviously plums that had been eaten whole and vomited out onto the road. A call was made to base camp and Bob S brought Kathy M a DNA kit. Kathy M gave a great lesson on DNA collection protocol while she collected the samples. The samples are currently in deep freeze and it is hoped that they can be analyzed in September upon the short return of our DNA specialist from a trip abroad.

We returned to camp to discuss our findings and met with some balking at the fact the female group used a less traditional approach.

While chatting around the fire, we got a call on the radio that Mel had something large, walking bipedally in front of him and requested the thermal camera. I wet with this team to the area. I was stationed on the main road with a group while some team members headed into Mel's area with the camera.

While on the main road some members of our team saw red eyes in the tree line across the road. We saw nothing in our first generation nightvision. We got a call on radio to head up to Mel's location and we all headed back to camp at around 4:30 am.

The following morning, I joined a small team heading to Spooky road to check for tracks from the previous evening's adventure. I headed back for more equipment and returned to join Dave J on a hike down the road. I found one pile of scat that looked like elk, but had no smell at all and was made up of all vegetation with no seeds or bones present.

We found a possible track and I photographed it with a ruler alongside it for scale. It is not very good, but I will post it as soon as the film is developed within a few days. We headed back to camp and packed up. I arrived home Sunday evening.

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