2025 New Mexico BFRO Bigfoot Expedition
August 14-17, 2025
Every BFRO expedition in New Mexico has been a
good one. Some compelling incidents occurred on each trip because each
trip was in a real bigfoot hot spot.
There are a few hot spots
in New Mexico. The best one is in the northern part of the state. This
is where the 2025 BFRO Bigfoot Expedition will focus.
The 2025
expedition will occur on an indian reservation in northerm New Mexico
with a long history of sightings and encounters. It is a very special
place. The local guide will be Hoyt. His has the blessing of the tribal
council to host this expedition deep in the reservation. The assistance
of tribal members will make the trip even more special.
The area
is loaded with elk, deer, wild turkey, wild horses and many other
species. You will walk through rocky mountain forests that very few
outsiders get to see. In these areas the remnants of the ancient Anasazi
people are plainly visible and undisturbed.
If you are registered
for the Colorado trip the weekend prior, you can also register for this
New Mexico trip and show up there as early as Monday (usually starts on
Thursday). In other words, you can roll out of the Colorado expedition
on Monday and roll straight down to this New Mexico location within a
few hours.
The official NM trip doesn't begin until Thursday Aug. 14 but
some people will already be present on the ranch as early as Monday Aug.
11. You have that option.




If you are interested in attending the 2025 New Mexicio BFRO
Expedition please see the BFRO's
FAQ page.