DHS Squirrel

Spokane figure could be a man in dark clothes.

figure_mediumIn the past few days we've received several emails asking our opinion about some new footage from Spokane, Washington. The clip has been shown on a few news channels in that part of the country.

It's not good to read about footage until you see it first, so take a look closely, a few times, before reading on. Click the image to go to the news page about the footage. Watch the news report video below the big image. For an even better look, see this YouTube video. Go ahead. We'll wait.

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Now that you've seen the footage you'll see what I'm talking about. It could be a man in dark clothing running by, perhaps even staged to run by. At this time the camera person (a female) has chosen to remain anonymous, except for her first name: Samantha.

It is poor form to involve children in a hoax, so we hope this particular footage was not a hoax by Samantha and her young kids. There may be very valid reasons for Samantha to remain anonymous, but that's not the typical pattern for authentic footage.

Historically, very few sightings have been reported near Spokane. The last reported sighting near Spokane was in 1985. Prior that we have to dial all the way back to 1961, when there was an incident near Mount Spokane. We don't have any unpublished reports from near Spokane either. Sightings just don't happen near there very often.

The incident occured in Downriver Park, on the western perimeter of Spokane, right across the street from a community college ... The park itself is used by homeless people and migrant day laborers, who tend to run away from hikers.

If you're looking for discussion about this footage, please refer to the ongoing discussion thread on the BFRO's public forum -- the Blue Forum.

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