DHS Squirrel

S.E. Wisconsin - Tracks

These photos from southeast Wisconsin were taken on February 4th and 5th. A motorist spotted an apparent sasquatch crossing a rural road at 9 AM on February 2, 2009. He described a huge "jet black" bipedal animal. The photos were taken two days later when he and others returned to the area.

Other tracks were found and photographed 5 miles away the next day. Some of the tracks are made by known animals. Photos seven (7) and eight (8) apparently show impressions of a coyote leaping through the snow, but those were at a different location than the impressions shown in one (1) and two (2). Those first three photos were not made by a coyote or rabbit bounding through the snow.

The fence in photos one, two and three is 3 feet high. The squares in the fence are 6'' square. The snow is approximately 20'' deep at the fence.

In addition to the bipedal tracks there were many deer, turkey and small game tracks in the area.

Click the images below for a larger view. See the discussion thread regarding these tracks for more information.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-One" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Two" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Three" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Four" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "WI-Five" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "WI-Six" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Seven" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Eight" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Nine" in the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "Wisconsin-Ten" in the discussion forum.