DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Lewis County > Report # 76614
Report # 76614  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Scott Holloway on Monday, November 6, 2023.
COWLITZ RIVER CLUSTER: Elk hunter motorist spots a sasquatch on Hwy 12 ten miles north of Packwood
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YEAR: 2023


MONTH: November


STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Lewis County

LOCATION DETAILS: Investigator MM notes:
The location where the bigfoot was standing:
It was standing beside Highway 12 just behind the guardrail, almost exactly 900 feet south (toward Packwood) from the intersection of Highway 12 and Highway 123 to Chinook Pass. See maps below.

NEAREST TOWN: Packwood, Washington

NEAREST ROAD: Highway 12 and highway 123

OBSERVED: I saw a bigfoot standing next to Highway 12. It was just south of the junction of Highway 12 and Highway 123 on the west side.

This happend around 5AM. It was still dark and was raining. It only happened for a few seconds as we came around the corner. It was standing on the opposite side of the guard rail 300 yards or so before the exit to 123. It was standing with its back towards me looking away. It looked huge, proximately 8’ to 9’ and really wide in the shoulders like over 4’. It was covered in hair that was brown in color. I have a newer model jeep with LED headlights that are extremely bright, so it really let him up for several seconds.


OTHER WITNESSES: No other witness. I had my friend in the car with me, but it was just for a brief look on the side of the road. I asked him if he saw anything, and he said no.

OTHER STORIES: Yes, I have heard of a quite a few other incidents right in the same area so I always look when I go by there and see if I see anything.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 5 AM It was dark out and raining heavily.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded area on the side of a paved highway behind and next to the guard rail.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

I called the witness. I asked him to tell me what had happened and what he had seen.

He was traveling eastbound on Hwy 12, a few miles past Packwood, about ready to turn left and go up Hwy 123 towards Chinook Pass. It was approximately 5:00AM. He was going elk hunting near Natches. As he approached the intersection, he noticed in his headlights an 8-9-foot-tall sasquatch standing on the left side of the road. It was standing on the other side of the guardrail. Hwy 12 makes a bend to the NW at this location and then bends to the SW after passing the Hwy 123 intersection. The sasquatch was facing the westbound direction. As his headlights lit it up, it turned its head to its right about a quarter turn. In addition to being over 8 feet tall, he described it as massive, with very wide shoulders. He could clearly see the left arm and how massively muscled it appeared. It was raining, and the hair appeared clean looking. The color was brown. He went by so fast that he only was able to see it for a few seconds.

Click the images below for larger versions.

This photo shows the area and other reports nearby.

This photo shows where the bigfoot was standing.

The bigfoot was approximately where the car is parked on the left side.

He has seen other things around there which might be relevant. One was the day before. He was driving the same route to go elk hunting. He was up on Hwy 123 near Cayuse Pass, and he noticed what initially looked like big footprints painted on the road. When he came back at the end of the day, the tracks were gone. He thinks that what he thought was paint was actually mud that was rinsed away by rain.

I found this witness to be very credible. He is an experienced outdoorsman. He grew up in the Oakville area.

This area is well known for sightings and encounters.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.

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