DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > California > Humboldt County > Report # 4043
Report # 4043  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 2, 2002.
Forest Service employees see footprints in Six Rivers National Forest
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YEAR: 2001


MONTH: November

STATE: California

COUNTY: Humboldt County

LOCATION DETAILS: Depending where you are coming from - Take highway 96 to the Fish Lake Road (13N01), follow the road till you see a sign saying Onion Lake. For better directions call Orleans Ranger District (530) 627-3291.

NEAREST TOWN: Six Rivers Nat'l Forest

NEAREST ROAD: Forest Service road 13N01

OBSERVED: On the day of the incident, a co-worker and myself where sent to close the Port-Orford-Cedar gates for the winter season. Both of us are Forestry Techs and worked for Six Rivers Nat'l Forest (Seasonals). As the day progressed and gates were closed we decided to take lunch at the Onion Lake area. Once we got to the lake we had our lunch and rested in our own way. I decided to walk around the lake to take my mind off things. About half way round the lake I spotted something strange in the water, up the lake embankment, and into the forest. I called to the co-worker. We saw Bigfoot tracks that lead from the water into the forest. I ran back to the truck and got a measuring tape and ran back to the tracks. The tracks measured 14" long 5 1/2" wide. The distance between the tracks were 3'. We wrote down the track details in our IDEA pads (pocket note books) and then left the area to finish our work day. We decide not to tell our supervisors because we thought our bosses would not believe us.

ALSO NOTICED: The area was in total silence. No sounds from animals, birds, or insects.

OTHER WITNESSES: One (co-worker)

OTHER STORIES: Yes, the Bigfoot museum in Willow Creek has some records of the area. But they also have a book to write in for Bigfoot sightings in the area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Mid-afternoon. Weather conditions were cloudy

ENVIRONMENT: The environment of the Onion Lake area is a Douglas Fir forest with some hardwoods. The lake sits just 1/4 mile NW of Onion Mtn.

Follow-up investigation report:

I talked with the witness by phone. The following details can be added to the report:
--Witness is a long-term seasonal Forest Service employee and is very aware of different/common animal tracks.
--Area is busy during deer hunting season, but in November the area is barely used.
--Prints appeared to cross the shallow end of the lake, then go into the forest.
--It had rained two weeks prior to this date.
--Prints looked to be only a day or two old.

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