DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > California > Los Angeles County > Report # 27177
Report # 27177  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Steve B. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010.
Man remembers sighting while driving on a lonely dark two-lane road near Gorman
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YEAR: 1993

SEASON: Unknown

DATE: Sunday

STATE: California

COUNTY: Los Angeles County

LOCATION DETAILS: Area located between Highway 14 and Highway 5 on Highway 138 at the northwest end of the Antelope Valley in Los Angeles, County.


NEAREST ROAD: Lancaster Road, aka Highway 138, between 200-280 street west.

OBSERVED: I left my parents house on my way back to NAS Lemoore, Ca. As my buddy and I were heading towards Gorman on 138 (Lancaster Road)between 200th street west and 280th street west, we both saw something to our right running through the desert.

It had to have been 7 plus feet tall, thin and long stringy hair hanging off its body. Arms seemed long with a long stride. I didn't believe what I saw, about a minute later my buddy asked if I had seen something, I said yes. He then described exactly what I saw. It was dark and it really spooked us. We took off quick, to this day I know I saw something and it puts a chill down both our spines when we talk about it.

Friends and family think I'm crazy, I know what I saw. Being much older now, I wish I would have gone back for proof, foot prints or something.


OTHER WITNESSES: Yes, one. We were just driving back to base (NAS Lemoore, Ca)


TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was along time ago, but I know it was night time probably around 9 or 10 P.M.

ENVIRONMENT: Desert, clear night..

A & G References: Southern California Delorme Atlas, Page 78, Index of B-2.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Richard Hucklebridge:

On the afternoon of January 21, 2010 Steve called from his home on the East Coast and we discussed his sighting back in 1993 at the west end of the Antelope Valley of Los Angeles County. Steve was very believable and credible in the retelling of him and his friend's Sasquatch sighting during those dark hours as they drove between Quartz Hill and Gorman, California.

Steve stated that the moon was out but it still seemed to be very dark in that part of the county as in, not any street lights or house lights were seen in any direction. Both witness were headed west when they observed this creature approach their vehicle from there right side, jogging along the north side of Highway 138, heading in a south easterly direction, towards the San Gabriel Mountains in the Angeles National Forest, along this highway. This creature came from a desert area that leads up and into the Tejon Ranch. Steve didn't see a wire fence between him and this creature, but only remembers seeing telephone poles on that side of the road.

This creature was very tall, with a very thin build including its arms, and it seemed to indicate it had a grayish color covering its body and arms; at first the witness thought it was wearing tattered or torn clothing that seemed to be hanging off of this creature, but as the distance closed, to within approximately 20 to 30 feet, that's when he observed tuffs of hair hanging from its body and arms. He did not see any facial features, or anything else that he can remember now, during his less than 10 second view of this creature. At the time, neither witness knew exactly what they had just viewed, but it scared them both.

In Summary: The area where this creature was observed is probably the main corridor for these creatures to travel between Central California Sierra Mountains and the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California. One more point of interest, these two sailors had a flat tire alongside Quail Lake, which is only a few miles west of where they had the sighting, and they were both too scared to get out to change their flat, so they continued to drove on into Gorman, California; which was about 5 or 6 miles further down the road. Steve estimated the creature's height to be about 7 feet tall, and he estimated the weight to be over 200 lbs.

About BFRO Investigator Richard Hucklebridge:

  • Four years in the United States Navy, 1955-1959 (Combat Air Crewman on P4M Mercator Patrol Aircraft)
  • 37 years in the aerospace industry: 33 years with General Electric at Edwards AFB; More than 5 years with the Northrop Grumman Corp. at Edwards AFB (Flight Line Mechanic on the B-2 Bomber).
  • During 20 of those years at Edwards he was a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for the County of Los Angeles.

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