DHS Squirrel

North America's Great Ape:
the Sasquatch

A wildlife biologist looks at the continent's most misunderstood large mammal

Dr. John Bindernagel, a long-time BFRO Curator, spent decades researching the Sasquatch mystery in British Columbia, Canada. Convinced the species exists, his work represents one of the first tenable efforts to evaluate Sasquatch biology. Drawing primarily from historical collections of witness testimony, related artifacts, and his own formal training in ecology, his insights are summarized in North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch. Once the species is conclusively documented and better understood, the hypothetical model of Sasquatch ecology developed by this professional wildlife biologist will probably turn out to be largely accurate.

Representatives of scientific and professional communities attest to the influence of his ground breaking work as it helped them develop a rational, scientifically founded, perspective of the likely social structure, diet, behavior, and general ecology of North America's native ape population. For that reason and others, the BFRO highly recommends Dr. Bindernagel's landmark title. It can be ordered directly from the publisher using the information available on Dr. Bindernagel's web site.

Reactions to the book:

"In the past thirty years numerous books have been published about reported observations of giant, hairy bipeds in the forests of North America, but none by a scientist qualified to assess whether what the witnesses described added up to a believable animal. John Bindernagel, with a Ph.D. in wildlife biology and extensive field experience in more than one part of the world, has now supplied that need. North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch could prove to be the most important book yet written on this fascinating subject."

    John Green, author, The Sasquatch File, On the Track of the Sasquatch, Year of the Sasquatch, and Sasquatch: the Apes Among us

[The book is] "a fine summary of available information, neatly arranged with a lot of insight and sensible deductions."

    Dr. George Schaller, author, Year of the Gorilla and The Mountain Gorilla: Ecology and Behavior

"The book lays out the evidence in just the way a scientifically minded reader would want to see it. It uses relevant data for comparisons with the Great Apes in a wholly accurate way. The result is that the readers are challenged by the many points of similarity between sasquatch anatomy and behaviour [and that of the Great Apes]."

    Dr. Vernon Reynolds, Institute of Biological Anthropology, Oxford University, author, The Apes: the Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Orangutan and Gibbon

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