DHS Squirrel

The Mescalero IR Bigfoot Situation

A "flap" of several incidents in a rural neighborhood, involving approaches to homes at night seems to occur every few years somewhere in North America. Usually a flap only lasts a few weeks, and most of the incidents are not documented until long after the activity has stopped.

In a few, semi-isolated neighborhoods on the Mescalero IR (indian reservation), these types of incidents have been ongoing intermittently for several years, at least. There has never been a collective attempt to document them until now.

Several people on the reservation are now interested in documenting the incidents, and recording the vocalizations heard there so consistently, and potentially filming the mysterious figures.

The amount of activity on this region may be due to both geographic and cultural factors.

The main cultural factor may be the Mescaleros' comparitively passive responses to confrontations with them.

There is an "avoid and let live" attitude toward these figures. That attitude is definitely taught and encouraged among tribal members. So when tribal members see the mysterious figures near their homes at night, they don't react with panicky hysteria or become aggressively defensive. They usually don't shout or scream, or shine spotlights, or do anything in an attempt to fend off the figures. They just wait for the figures to leave.

In most other communities in North America, by contrast, the sight of a tall, dark, big-muscled, fast-moving figure near the house will, more often, trigger panicky or defensive responses.

The local sasquatches may have noticed the difference.

On both Jicarilla IR and Mescalero IR there were other species of large animals that seemed to show less fear of humans or vehicles, compared to the same species just outside the boundaries of the IR, where human hunting and poaching practices are much less predictable.

Any day you can drive along the public highways around the Mescalero IR, and then drive the two public highways through the IR, to see examples of the behavioral difference with other large animals. You'll see a lot more large animals on the reservation, and almost none as soon as you get off the reservation.

The lands surrounding the reservation are much more heavily hunted than the lands within the IR boundaries. Surrounding lands are popular among hunters from the big towns in New Mexico, and among plenty of out-of-state hunters.

Only a small number of hunters from outside the IR are allowed to hunt within the IR each year. Those are escorted, guided hunts that cost around $10,000. People pay that much to hunt there because there are so many stunning, trophy elk and deer to be had.

There are approximately 4,000 tribal members on 460,000 acres of eco-rich habitat. Almost all of the tribal members live in a handful of neighborhoods near the main highway. Each year hunting priviledges for tribal members are assigned by application and lottery. Everyone gets what they need, and nutrition from wildlife resources is not as needed as it used to be. There are some poachers (we met a few) but even they had a respectful, intelligent, conservation sense about them.

Several people on the Mescalero IR told us they were raised with the understanding that one should not offend or defend against the "kensah'" (Apache word for bigfoots).

There seems to be a culturally infused confidence that the kensah don't attack humans, or at least had never done so, in their cultural memory.

Their cultural memory extends back a long, long way. That gives them confidence about what to expect, and what not to worry about.

Many people we spoke with told us their parents and and grandparents said these creatures "shouldn't be messed with", even if they occassionaly scream near the house at night, or pound on a wall, or kill a barking dog.

Younger family members were also told by their elders to never play in the woods after dark, and not whistle in the woods at any time.

It's possible that these disturbances outside homes may be attempts to interact with humans, in desireable conditions: under the cover of darkness, and late at night when all the other humans are asleep. Sasquatches may feel a lot safer trying to interact in those conditions with a single human or a small family of humans, knowing they won't have to watch their backs for other humans, as they would during the day.

What these figures do around homes at night wouldn't normally be perceived by any humans as an invitation to come outside and interact, but it may be just that.

Thus, there may be an uncommonly good opportunity on the Mescalero IR to begin an interaction with them and document on camera, etc., over the course of time. The new investigators from Mescalero will be very mindful of this potential.

The geographic connection between sasquatch activity and indian reservations:

Native settlements often occured in areas with a combination of attractive geographic attributes:

- Rich habitats with a stable abundance of animals and edible flora.
- Terrain that facilitated the stalking and ambushing of game.
- Terrain that aided the detection and evasion of hostile humans.

Some areas with this combination of physical and ecological traits became natural strongholds for native tribes, and many of those eventually became jurisdictioned as indian reservations.

Sasquatches may be attracted to the same territories for all the same reasons.

They may also have found safer sanctuary on those indian reservations, as mentioned above, due to the comparitively passive responses of tribal members, compared to the more panicky responses when seen near non-tribal communities.

There's also less conflict for resources now. Tribal members have not depended on hunting and gathering for years, so there's an even greater abundance of animals and edible plants. The habitat was more than enough to sustain a few hundred humans throughout the year, for thousands of years, so it could easily sustain a much smaller number of larger primates nowdays.

During the expedition, the face to face meetings with the witnesses satisfied the wide cross section of opinionated participants that most of the stories were honest, accurate observations. The amount of incidents described by tribal members, and the distribution of those incidents across the map and the calendar, drove an estimate of at least 10 individuals within the IR boundaries. The exact number would probably be more than 10. Only time will tell if some assumptions are correct, but time will tell in this case.

An outsider hearing about the Mescalero situation would naturally wonder whether it's more attributable to native beliefs than anything else.

Some of the witnesses have been out-of-staters driving through the reservation area, and some are non-tribal people in neighboring mountains towns.

The pattern of witnesses is much more geographic than demographic.

If the sightings, etc., were a product of native superstition it would not cross over into other mountain towns in the area. The other mountain towns in the Sacramento range are populated mainly by white Texas transplants who are largely unfamiliar with native lore. Sightings and track finds happen there also, though not nearly as often as on Mescalero IR.

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