In a one square mile portion of
Carrizo Canyon, there are at least 20 eye-witnesses
and at least 100 ear-witnesses. The incidents are
likely to continue intermittently. They will be
reported in the new, free, Apache Bigfoot Newsletter.
The stories and photos will be collected by tribal
For more information about the Apache Bigfoot
Newsletter, click here.
Tribal member Bonadel Ortega standing outside her
home near Carrizo.
She pointed up to show the height of the tall, hairy
figure that leaned down to look in this window, one
winter evening four years ago. The figure stood there
and watched her as she rested on a sofa.
Not wanting to make too much eye contact, she repeatedly
looked away from window and laid motionless until
the figure walked away.
Prior to the BFRO expedition she had only told close
family members about the incident.
Bonadel is a well respected teacher at the local high
school. |
Tribal member Cindy Valdez took us outside her
home in Pena Loop and showed us where similar incident
happened. She pointed up to a window with a divider
bar between the panes. The divider was about nine
feet off the ground. The figure's head was higher
than that when it was looking through the window.
It was Cindy's bedroom window. She was in bed asleep
when the figure came around.
It was sometime after midnight. Cindy's daughter,
Sage, was still awake upstairs. When the yard's motion
light came on Sage spotted the figure looking into
her mother's bedroom window. She slipped downstairs
to alert her mother. Her mother woke up and saw the
silhouette of the figure at the window.
Cindy and Sage went upstairs to look from the 2nd
story window. By the time they got upstairs and looked
out the window, the figure was gone.
Cindy told friends and family about the incident but
otherwise didn't feel compelled to report it.
Tribal member Josie Arviso near her home on Palmer
Loop, outside Carrizo.
Two years ago, at dusk, Joise saw a shockingly tall,
dark, hairy "bigfoot" standing among the
trees across the road.
She was jumping on a trampoline in her mom's front
yard. She and her girlfriends had been jumping on
the trampoline for most of the afternoon. The incident
happened after the other girls had gone inside.
Josie insisted on staying outside longer, to continue
jumping on the trampoline by herself.
Josie spotted the bigfoot across the road and watched
it for a moment until she realized it was there
to watch her. She ran to the door and pounded on
it. Her mother said she was terrified when she came
No one went outside to investigate, and the family
never called the tribal police or conservation officers.
Josie is a high school student. She lives with her
mother, sister and younger brother. There was no
adult male residing at the home at the time of the
incident, only adult women, girls, and a young boy.
Almost all of the close-range witnesses we spoke
with or heard about near Carrizo were women or girls.
There were mostly women and girls in the homes on
the street where the boldest incidents happened.
Less than a mile away there are other homes where
peeping incidents happened. There were only women
and girls in those homes also.
Tribal member Bea Kinzhuma in front of her home
near Carrizo.
Bea points to where a neighbor had seen the figure
down the street from her home.
Vocalizations are still heard around the area,
but no visual incidents have occurred on this road
recently. There are also more men living on this
road now.
Yes, there are plenty of witnesses who are male,
but the males usually don't see the figures prowling
outside their homes at night. The males typically
see them while hunting, driving or hiking in the
surrounding hills.
If you looked like a sasquatch, and you lived like
a sasquatch, and you knew from some frightening
experiences that your appearance scared the daylights
out of humans ... but you still wanted to interact
with some humans, any humans at all, in circumstances
posing the least threat to your naked backside ...
what would you do?
With whom would you try to initiate a safe, calm
interaction, and under what circumstances?
What situations would you try to avoid?
The observations in upper Carrizo Canyon suggest
a desire not to harm or terrorize, but to interact
in safe circumstances.
If the desire was to attack, prey upon, molest,
or frighten the humans, the encounter stories would
be very different.