DHS Squirrel

Green Says Skookum Cast May Be Proof

John Green, a career newspaperman in Canada, has been deeply involved in the the sasquatch investigation since before the first cast of a "Bigfoot" track was made in California in 1958. He is probably more familiar with the mass of evidence accumulated over the years than is any other individual. The following is what he has to say about the Skookum cast.

For more than 40 years I have held the opinion that science can not be convinced of the existence of sasquatches by anything less than physical remains. I have now changed my opinion. I think the Skookum cast can do it, provided that enough influential zoologosts, mammalogists, anatomists, primatologists, etc. will take a serious look at it.

I have had the privilege of being able to spend considerable time examining the cast on two occasions, once before much of the dirt was removed from it and once since, both times in the company of Dr. Grover Krantz and Dr. Jeff Meldrum among others.

On the first occasion dirt still hid most of the dermatoglyphics, the forearm imprint was still just a questionable dirt-covered hump, and estimates of the length of the body parts were largely guesswork. Even then all of the people present, five of whom held doctorates, agreed with the trio who found the imprint that the only thing that could have made it was a huge bipedal primate which had sat down in the mud and then turned on its side.

After that Jeff Meldrum spent several days carefully uncovering the details, revealing consistent hair patterns on all parts of the imprint, including the forearm, and large areas of clear dermal ridges where the heels had dug in.

Since no large creatures except primates have dermal ridges at all, there is no possibility that any animal other than a higher primate could have made the heel imprints. Each species of higher primate has a different pattern, and none has a heel this large. Further, Dr. Meldrum, who is a professor of anatomy, was able to determine the position of the joints for some of the limbs, establishing that the bones were 40 to 50 percent longer than those of a 6-foot human.

The evidence that this imprint was made by a very large, unknown, higher primate is, in my opinion, compelling. I would not anticipate that every qualified person who examines would come to the same conclusion, but I feel sure that the vast majority would have to, whatever their preconceptions.

If you are a qualified scientist or forensic specialist (either active or retired) in any relevant discipline, and you would like an opportunity to examine this cast in Washington State, please contact the BFRO at

Friends or family members, or students of people who are considered qualified, may accompany them to view the cast in person.

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