DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Umatilla County > Report # 980
Report # 980  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, December 25, 2000.
Elk hunter spots reddish-brown sasquatch
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YEAR: 1994


MONTH: September

STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Umatilla County

LOCATION DETAILS: north side of usfs rd 64 (skyline)about opposite jubilee lake at about 1 or two PM. I was down the skookum spring side of dusty ridge about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from dusty spring, (approx 50 76 45 n 117 59 30w)

NEAREST TOWN: tollgate, OR


OBSERVED: I called the professor at WSU and left a message but he never contacted me.
I had a pretty close encounter in September, 1994(I believe) near tolgate, OR during elk bow season.I had been in the woods for several days. I was tracking a hit elk on the north side of usfs rd 64 (skyline)about opposite jubilee lake at about 1 or two PM. I was down the skookum spring side of dusty ridge about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from dusty spring, an abandoned campground, and saw movement about 70 yds crosslope and down at the edge of a clearing(approx 50 76 45 n 117 59 30w)some 30 or 40 yds across . a large biped with unusually long seeming arms walked across the clearing heading away and upslope at an unhurried pace. near the far edge of the clearing it stopped and turned, looking directly at me. it was covered head to foot in hair, dark brownish in color and i got a very (too good actually) look at it. it knew i was there, i have no doubt to this day. it then turned and continued away. i saw it for perhaps two minutes, in bright sunlight. I vacated the area without finding my elk or going over to look for tracks. I can say it was not a man or anything i have seen before. as it walked it swung its arms but they were so that the palms of the hand was clearly to the rear and much nearer the knees as opposed to the hip as mine are.
The datetime can be better established because when i got home and was telling my wife, she said that the previous weekend some guy had taken videos of bigfoot at Hoodo spring some twenty miles from where i was at and they had been on the news.
I have no pictures but can certainly take someone to the spot without difficulty even now.


OTHER WITNESSES: one, sober, tracking a wounded animal's blood trail on hands and knees

OTHER STORIES: some alleged footprint casts at the general store at tollgate, taken from the area around jubilee lake region.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: clear, 1-2PM sunny on north slope of dusty ridge

ENVIRONMENT: eastern oregon mountains, lightly timbered with some large open areas

A & G References: oregon atlas pg 86, a-4

Follow-up investigation report:

This area has a history of sasquatch activity. Also, the area of the sighting Skookum Spring refers to sasquatch. The witness is an avid elk hunter and has been so for many years. He knows his animals and the area well.

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