DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > California > Nevada County > Report # 9555
Report # 9555  (Class A)
Submitted by witness F. H. on Sunday, October 17, 2004.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer Has Daytime Sighting
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YEAR: 2004

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 16

STATE: California

COUNTY: Nevada County

LOCATION DETAILS: As you pass through on the east bound side on Hwy 80, just before Donner Pass, there is a truck inspection station. Approx 1 to 2 miles east of that is the first bridge. There is a large ravine with a river through it. This is the spot. They were 300 to 400 feet south of the bridge they crossed over west to east in a straight line. I could return and show you the exact location.

NEAREST TOWN: donner pass truck inspection station

NEAREST ROAD: Hwy 80, east bound (e/b)

OBSERVED: First of all I am a 55-year-old male former Marine, fireman and state police officer just recently retired. I have been all over the world in the military and an avid camper. I have often heard of big foot and thought possible not likely. Although I didn’t believe they existed I kept an open mind. I have seen many things in my time that were hard to explain but were not as vivid as the following.

I was driving on Rte 80 e/b in California at 14:30 hrs. on 08/16/04 and I had just passed the truck inspection station and State Work yard which was west of the Donner Pass. As I was crossing over a bridge which crossed over a ravine with a river through it I looked down into the ravine and saw what looked like (about 7 to 8 foot tall) broad shouldered possibly male, all black from head to toe form stepping from the tree line on the west bank approx. 300 to 400 yards south of the bridge. I immediately pulled over to the side of the roadway on the bridge and slowed so that I could see it better (traffic was extremely light -two other cars.) When I looked down I was able to see that the form had no identifiable clothing or demarcation lines or hat. It then was walking in a lanky movement with arms swinging as it crossed the stream/river. I then noticed a slightly smaller (6-7 foot tall)(pos male due to no obvious breasts or femine movements) come out from the tree line behind the other male trailing him by about 30 feet and slightly south by about ten feet. They both continued across the stream and into the tree line on the east side and disappeared. I sat there trying to evaluate what I had seen. I then concluded that these forms were not any animals I've ever seen. They were one solid color from head to toe with no discernable clothing. They had nothing in their hands or on their feet. I could not come up with any possible concept as too why these individuals would be out there. The temperature was extremely warm so the clothing if it was clothing was way too much. Their faces and hands were the same color as the body. I then proceeded e/b with no further sighting.

ALSO NOTICED: The only things I found unusual was that there were no close towns only the truck inspection station and they had no packs, or any identifiable items of clothing on them and they seemed to walk out of the woods across the river without looking up to the roadway or left or right as they ventured into the river and across. They seemed unconcerned. They didn’t talk or turn towards each other just walked out of the tree line and straight across and into the woods. I couldn’t figure where they came from or where they were going, especially without equipment. They seemed black in color like I said from head to toe and it seemed to shine slightly as they moved, but didn’t appear to be clothing.


OTHER STORIES: No, I am not from there and have never been there before.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: The time was 14:30 hrs and it was a bright sunny day, clear sky

ENVIRONMENT: The west bank was steep and heavily wooded right up to the rivers edge by about ten feet, tall pines and trees. The river was broad about 50 feet across and was about two feet deep (I know this because as they crossed it went to mid calf). The river was stony and slow moving. The east side was less steep and heavily wooded but only had a rise of about 100 feet.

Follow-up investigation report:

After a telephone interview with the witness, the following details can be added to his report:

The witness reported seeing the larger creature first, followed by the second, smaller creature as they emerged from the tree line and crossed the river.

The creatures did not appear to look either direction as they emerged from the trees or as they crossed the river. The witness reported they seemed to walk with great confidence and purpose.

He reports the creatures' heads to be set upon their shoulders, with no visible neck. He also reports the heads did not appear human-like in nature, as they had a somewhat conical appearance to them. He stated, “The heads were not rounded like a human head.”

The witness stated he was unable to discern any type of clothing of any sort on these creatures. He reported the creatures to be rather muscular, with no change in appearance or color in their body covering from head to foot.

He also reported they crossed the river with great ease, as if they were “walking through a puddle.” He reported the water came to an area just short of their knees.

He reported to me he observed no vehicles of any sort adjacent to the river in that area, nor did he observe anyone in or about the river.

He stated he was alone at the time of these sightings and knew of no other witnesses to what he observed.

The witness went on to report he proceeded down the highway a bit farther, stopped at the next location he could view the river and waited for a short time, but was unable to see anything unusual. He reported no obvious human activity in that area at all.

The witness further reported to me he is an avid outdoorsman, and a trained observer. He stated he had never seen anything like these creatures before in his life. And in that respect, it took him a couple of months to come to grips with what he had experienced that day in Northern California.

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