DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Clackamas County > Report # 85
Report # 85  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Shawn Murray on Thursday, August 24, 2000.
16 year old has strange experience walking home
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YEAR: 2000

SEASON: Spring



STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Clackamas County

LOCATION DETAILS: It occured between two houses on our property, fairly wooded area.


NEAREST ROAD: Dickey Prairie road

OBSERVED: Right off the bat, I'll tell you I'm a 16 year old kid telling absolutely the truth, so god strike me dead. I hope you don't take my report as bogus because of that. Let me explain my situation to you: I live, and have lived, on the Molalla river for most of my life and never thought twice about walking around at night or anywhere period. About 2 months ago, I was alone in my Grandmas house using the computer, when I decided to go home (my house is only about 50 yards away). As I was stepping outside the most hideous feeling of being alone and fear thumped my heart. I kept walking in terror, when all of the sudden about 30 feet off to my right, I heard a loud thumping sound crash out. From there on, being distorted by my act of running faster than I've ever moved before, I could swear I heard the distinctive two-legged footsteps veering toward me from off the trail between houses. I raced in my house, slammed the door, locked it and sat in the living room to calm down from my strange experience.The oddest feelings flushed through me then, and now. Now, before you dismiss my story as a frightened child running from noises, I'll have to tell you of the strange past our 45 acres of land at the end of the Dickey Prairie road has had:

Around three years ago, when we had cattle and cows fenced on our property, I noticed casually how they would always stay together and go near the barns at night. Then one day we discovered two of them killed up in the woods by the drinking creek. The killings weren't average killings either. The cows didn't have a scratch on them, both had broken necks and their eyeballs sucked cleanly out. Since those experiences, I'm now scared to go hiking and travel at night. Yes, average signs of fear, but I have the weird feeling of being an 'Intruder'. Thank you for your time sincerely, Shawn Murray

p.s. I'm a believer.

ALSO NOTICED: Before the incident (about 2 years) 2 cows were killed, and ever since it happened, there's a strange silence at night and my mom was awakened by something "banging on the house".

OTHER WITNESSES: Only one--me. I told my brother and stepdad when I ran in the house. Before the incident I was typing on the computer.

OTHER STORIES: When I was in 4th grade, my friend Heather and her brother were taking out some garbage when they saw "a giant white monkey" walk up the hill and away from the trash cans. They lived about 5 miles away and moved to texas about 6 months after that happened. It scared them so badly that they slept with their mom and dad in fear. And about 5 years ago, I heard that some big investigators came to look at some tracks across the Molalla River from where I live.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Dark out, about midnight, cloudy, starless skys.

ENVIRONMENT: It happened inbetween my grandma's house and my house, towards the opening of our big field, in and around where we stack firewood. A large area full of pine trees.

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness is confident that what he experienced was a sasquatch following, if not chasing, him back to his house. He told me that the thumping, which he at first thought was someone stealing firewood, sounded like bipedal steps. He likened it to "being chased by a thousand pound man" when he started running. At the time this happened, there was a musky smell in the area.

He also told me of other incidents. One, about a year before this, when something frightened his younger brother while the two of them were hunting on their property. His brother maintains that what he saw was a young sasquatch, Shawn told me he didn't get a clear view. Another involved something getting into their garbage. The refuse was placed in a trailer and covered with a tarp, which was then weighted down with blocks of wood. In order to get into it, something had strewn the wood 15-25 ft. from the trailer and rolled back the tarp. Ripped open bags were found in a field on the property. A third thing he talked about were vocalizations he and his stepfather heard at night. He described them as booming, echoing whoops.

The witness and his family have since moved from this location.

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