DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New Mexico > Rio Arriba County > Report # 8409
Report # 8409  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, March 30, 2004.
Sasquatch reaches into tent of adult camper
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YEAR: 1983

SEASON: Spring


STATE: New Mexico

COUNTY: Rio Arriba County

LOCATION DETAILS: Out of the town of Cuba, about 7 miles into the Santa Fe National Forest.

NEAREST TOWN: Cuba, New Mexico

NEAREST ROAD: Access road to a public campground; larger one #126.

OBSERVED: In May of 1983 (during the first week of May of that year), while camping in the Santa Fe National Forest in northern New Mexico, I experienced a most peculiar visitation.

I was 30 years old at the time and a trade school student in Albuquerque (machine drafting). I was part of a student group from the Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute in Albuquerque. We were camping fairly high up in the mountains / hills on an alcohol-free student activity prior to the end of the school year. Our student advisor was a Mr. Ray Paytiamo from the Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico.

Early that morning, at around four a.m., I was asleep in my own tent (alone) when I was actually awakened by an awful stench. This foul odor was so powerful, the "scent" actually burnt my nostrils. I sat up in my sleeping bag just in time to see a massive light-brown hairy arm reach into the tent through the front flap and start to "feel around."

Totally horrified, I started to hyperventilate, as this huge arm clearly was not human. Just as I was about to scream my lungs out, the arm drew back and out of the tent.

I was strangely aware then that there were two "creatures" right outside of my tent as I heard two separate and distinct "vocalizations" -one male and one female. Through the dim outside light (and through the tent material), I could make out at least two figures possibly eight feet in height.

The next thing I heard were these two beings "yelling" loudly as they apparently ran away from my tent.

I stayed awake until sunrise and was so enthralled by what had happened that I could not bring myself to tell anyone about this event (and at breakfast, no one else there was talking about any similar occurrence). I have never told anyone about this until earlier this year**.

**I reported this same event to another web site (in greater detail) several weeks ago and there was no comment from whoever maintains that particular site. Thus, I have provided this site with only a short version as I do not know how this account will be welcomed.

ALSO NOTICED: Nothing else other than what I have already described

OTHER WITNESSES: Just myself (as I have already indicated)

OTHER STORIES: No, I completed my training on May 20th, 1983 and have never returned to that area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: At around 4:00 AM; one dim outside light (post) close to where I was at; overcast, visibility poor.

ENVIRONMENT: Hilly / mountainous area in northern New Mexico; forested; fairly isolated.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Dr. Wolf H. Fahrenbach:

The eye witness, who is Oglala Lakota, states that the scene was illuminated by a nearby sodium vapor lamp, which gave him a clear view in the tent and threw shadows of the two creatures. The arm was so hairy as to be "furry". The hair stopped at the wrist and the back of the hand was not hairy, with the skin colored black on both sides of the hand. The nails were extraordinarily long and projected beyond the fingertips for a total length of about 4". Their color was described as off-white, like candle wax. All fingers including the thumb were long in relation to the hand as a whole. The width of the palm was conservatively estimated at 9" and the length of the hand at 14" from wrist to fingertips.

The vocalizations outside his tent heard after the hand sighting consisted of animalistic grunts, groans, gurgling sounds and subdued screams, nothing remotely like words, higher pitched than the sounds made by an excited gorilla. They were the sounds of a male and female, as judged by their relative pitch. They both ran away from the campground, making hooting sounds akin to those of Indian warriors.

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