DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Virginia > Buchanan County > Report # 77879
Report # 77879  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Samantha Meadows on Sunday, November 10, 2024.
Nighttime sighting by commuter on remote road 40 miles north of Bristol
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YEAR: 2024


MONTH: November


STATE: Virginia

COUNTY: Buchanan County

LOCATION DETAILS: a well traveled road that is near the coal mines and has had alot of current work.

NEAREST TOWN: no very far from town


OBSERVED: I saw this at around 200-230 am I was running late for work at the prison and I was driving a bit faster than normal, as well as not having my bright lights on. I was turning on a side road at the main gate of the coal mines. I drove less than a quarter mile from the coal mines when I saw a large what I thought was a bear or feral cow beside the road so I slowed down in case it spooked and ran across the road. That was when I noticed it was on two legs and was large but was kneeling down if I had to guess I would say it was 500-600 pounds. This animal had shaggy fur that I could see the outline of from the lights. It looked over what seemed to be its shoulder and had a human like face with a heavy brow. It looked back through the brush and then looked quickly back again before stepping toward the creek and climbed down and went out of sight.

The thing that made me stop in the road was it had a knee and was looking through the brush holding it apart to look through. This "animal" had no eye shine. Once I passed its location I saw that it had been looking at 2 does. I have no idea what it was doing but definitely seemed like it was hunting.

ALSO NOTICED: As stated above there were 2 deer nearby that it appeared to be watching. Once it noticed the headlights of the car it stepped down toward the creek bank and laid flat out of sight. It didn't run or anything like it had happened before.

OTHER WITNESSES: one (myself)

OTHER STORIES: I've heard stories but I have never spoken to anyone that has seen anything like this.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: roughly 200 am

very clear and bright night was cooler than the past few nights.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded saddle of the mountain. It was near a small creek in some brush. There is a pine island on the other side of the mountain and there are a lot of abandoned houses in the area. There isn't a lot of people other than the ones travelling through the area to and from work. There is a lot of wildlife around the area. That was what I believe the bigfoot was watching.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Benjamin C.:

I contacted the witness shortly after her report was submitted. I spoke with her at length about her sighting and found her to be very credible.

The witness is a food service operator at a local prison, formerly having served in the Army as a supply specialist. She works the morning shift at the prison and as such requires her to leave her home before 2am on the days she works.

The witness was driving northeast on Chambers Road/State Route 626 at approximately 2:15 am on the morning of November 8, 2024.

This road is usually very empty at this hour. The witness stated that she only saw one other vehicle during this trip. Due to her work shift hours she routinely travels that route every day, 4 to 5 days a week, to work at that time of night.

Conditions at the time of the sighting were clear, temperature was in the low 60s Fahrenheit as it was unseasonably warm at this point in the year.

The witness said she was driving about 30 mph on Chambers Road when she came around a small curve and saw what she initially thought was a bear or a feral cow. Interestingly, this part of Virginia has a population of feral cattle due to a local family some years ago releasing the cattle into the wild after the death of the family patriarch.

When the witness first saw the creature, she estimates that it was approximately 200-150 feet away, and began to slowdown in case the animal bolted into the road so she could avoid hitting it.

As she approached the creature, she revised her initial thoughts about the identity of the animal in her headlights. She noticed that the form of the creature was more human-like than she first realized. She observed that the creature was crouched down in a squatting position on its hind legs with its left arm outstretched and was pushing the brush in front of it, seemingly peering through the brush at something beyond.

Despite being illuminated by her headlights, the creature appeared very dark. The witness could not say if it was black or dark brown, just “very dark” in coloration. This led her to initially believe that it was a black bear.

The witness described the hair as looking like “long dog hair, like how the hair mats up on an unbrushed dog, shaggy looking” which, combined with the more human form, made her then think that she was looking at a poacher in a ghillie suit, but couldn’t figure out why a person would be out there at 2:15am in a ghillie suit on the side of the road.

As she continued to drive closer, the witness said the creature turned to look in her direction, then back at the bushes it was looking through, then looked back at her again before rising from the crouched position and turning to the right. It went down the shoulder of the road into a creek at the base of the hill to the right. The witness described the turning motion of the creature as “it turned its head and slumped it’s shoulders.” It was only when it turned and moved to the right in a stooped “leaning forward” position did the witness see that the creature had knees.

At her closest, the witness estimates that she was approximately 20 feet away from the creature when she drove past. The witness said that the entire sighting felt like a minute but in reality, must have only been 5-10 seconds. However, it was long enough to let her get a good look at it and get a better idea of just what it was she was looking at.

She described the creature as being approximately 4 feet wide at the shoulders. She initially estimated the creature to be narrower due to the angle of how the creature presented itself when it was crouching. This initial perception of narrow shoulders and back of the creature contributed to the witness thinking that it initially was a person. The witness described the body type as being very lean with toned muscle but not emaciated nor super bulky. However, due to the height and width of the creature she described it as “very massive.”

She was able to view the face for several seconds and described it as humanoid. The creature had a very heavy brow, with the hair on the face appearing short and thin, while the hair on the body and on the top of the head appeared shaggier and matted in spots. She estimates that the length of the hair on the body and head was about 5-6”.

The witness reiterated that it was the brow ridge which stood out more than anything. The witness did not see any eye shine from the creature. She described the face as “being square, very blocky” and seemingly covered in short hair, like a short hair dog. The witness could not identify any skin tone, just what appeared to be short dark or black fur or hair.

The witness said the nose was wide and flat and did not see the mouth nor the ears. She did state that the eye spacing was fairly wide in relation to the bridge of the nose, as the eyes were farther apart than most people’s eyes. She estimates the size of the eyes to be at least that of a $0.50 cent piece if not bigger. She got a glimpse of the hand as it was parting the bushes but did not see the feet.

The witness estimates the height of the creature to be 7 feet tall as it was at least over 6 feet as it moved in a crouched position toward the stream to the right.

(Witness sketch to be provided)

The witness works at a prison. She said “I’ve seen a lot of big dudes, but this was bigger than anything I’ve ever seen.”

During the sighting, the witness said she never felt any fear or panic, more of a sense that she “wasn’t supposed to see that.” She never felt in any danger. The witness believes that the creature was watching two good-sized does which she saw a few seconds after she drove past the creature, she estimates their location at maybe 20 yards down from her sighting. The witness also thinks that she surprised the creature as she was driving without her high beams on and driving faster than normal.

When she arrived at work, she told some of her coworkers about what she had just seen. She was not met with derision, rather curiosity and her coworkers asked her where on the road did she see it. No one laughed at her story, simply commenting that there is “weird stuff out there in the woods.”

The witness went on to state that lots of people talk about sasquatch in the area but simply don’t report it. The witness mentioned how her grandparents called it the “woolly booger” and would warn the kids not to go out at night or else the “woolly booger” would get them.

The witness said that her mother told her that she saw a sasquatch in the area before, near the family home in Whitewood, VA. The witness never heard of any other official reports, but did recall one from the Jewell Ridge area from a few years ago that was reported in local newspapers.

It is this researcher's opinion that the witness did in fact see a sasquatch on the side of the road that early November morning.

The area of the sighting in question is isolated, with the nearest residential house approximately 3 miles away. The sighting itself is located within the Dissected Appalachian Plateau ecoregion, which is a strongly dissected and extensively forested region making up much of the southwestern portions of the Central Appalachians. The region extends from West Virginia through parts of Virginia and Kentucky, into Tennessee.

The region is relatively flat on the macro level, but locally very rugged in topography. Elevations range from as low as 350 feet above sea level in the valleys and up to 3,600 feet on the highest points of the plateau. The topography is characterized by steep slopes and narrow ridges and valleys. The flat land that does occur is limited to the floodplains of the region’s streams and rivers. The bedrock consists of sandstone, siltstone, shale, and coal. Soils tend to be well-drained, and range from moderate to low fertility.

The climate is generally considered humid and subtropical, with high precipitation, roughly equally distributed throughout the year, with a weak dry season in Autumn. The frost-free growing season varies considerably by elevation and latitude, ranging from 195 days to 160 and possibly shorter at higher elevations.

This region was originally covered mostly in diverse and variable mixed mesophytic forest. Historically, the American chestnut was dominant in the region on dry sites. Middle and lower north- and east-facing slopes feature American beech, tuliptree, and sugar maple as dominant species, with white oak, ash, American basswood, buckey, eastern hemlock, and magnolia also being present.

Upper elevations in the region feature mixed oak forests with chestnut oak, red maple, white and black oak. Warmer, middle and lower south- and west-facing slopes featured mixed oak forests dominated mainly by white oak, with understories of mountain laurel. Black oak, scarlet oak, post oak, mockernut hickory, pignut hickory, tupelo, and sourwood are also present. Bottomlands are co-dominated by hemlock and magnolia with an understory of rhododendron.

This area historically was extensively logged, but it has mostly reverted back to woodland and about 90% of the region is presently forested or in the process of forest regeneration. A large portion of the forest, however, is managed as commercial woodlands. The remaining land is mostly used for coal mining, which has caused significant stream degradation. There are some scattered small towns and some agriculture in the wider valleys. Agriculture here produces livestock, hay, tobacco, and corn.

Regarding wildlife, the area is rich in fauna, with larger potential prey species including whitetail deer, elk (reintroduced population), and feral cattle. Other species include black bear, coyote, bobcat, raccoon, wild turkey, eastern cottontail, among others.

All eco-region information taken from

About BFRO Investigator Benjamin C.:

B. has attended multiple BFRO expeditions: North Georgia 2018 Fall, North Georgia 2019 Spring, Tennessee 2020 Fall, South Carolina 2021 Spring, and Pennsylvania 2021 Fall, Pennsylvania 2022 Fall, New Jersey 2022 Spring and Fall.

He has also conducted private expeditions in New Jersey, Alaska, Arizona, North Carolina, and southern Georgia. His area of responsibility as a BFRO investigator is central Pennsylvania.

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