DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Montgomery County > Report # 77528
Report # 77528  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Becky Schindler on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
IMPORTANT LOCATION: Road crossing sasquatch spotted by two witnesses 15 miles west of Dayton
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YEAR: 2023

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

DATE: 23rd


COUNTY: Montgomery County

LOCATION DETAILS: Investigator (MM) Notes:

The incident occurred on Farmersville - West Alexandria Road (F-WA Road) near Bull Road. The location is roughly half way between Farmersville and West Alexandria, right where Tom Run (creek) meets F-WA Road.

GPS for the approximate location (within 100 feet) of where the sasquatch crossed the road:

39.706203, -84.457701

The road's direction is not north-south by rather northwest-southeast. The sasquatch crossed from the northeast side to the southwest side, heading south.

NEAREST TOWN: Farmersville Ohio

NEAREST ROAD: [It crossed Farmersville - West Alexandria Road near Bull Road}

OBSERVED: My mother in law Phyllis Schindler and I were driving home from Germantown Ohio after being at Land Of Illusions (in Middletown Ohio). We were on the backroads. It was on Saturday December 23rd 2023.

It was a hazy/foggy night with light snow on the ground. We had turned onto Farmersville-West Alexandria Rd off of Bull Rd in the outskirts of Farmersville Ohio. We were cutting across to West Alexandria Ohio to go to my home in Eaton Ohio which is on the other side of West Alexandria. It was around 10:15pm we had just climbed a small hill in her SUV.

I was staring close out the windshield because it was very foggy on the back roads out in the middle of this country area. I was trying to watch for deer as she drove. We reached the top of the hill and I went to yell at my mother-in-law to stop because it looked like someone was crossing the road. My brain processed it as a very tall basketball player in height in the dark.

Before I could open my mouth she was already slamming on the brakes. She and I realized we were seeing the same thing. Two steps to three steps as it was swinging his arms and he was across both sides of the road at a very fast speed. It was gone and over the hill to the other side. The area on the road where this was at there was an electric fence on one side of the rooad and on the side it crossed over t there was an old red brick farmhouse with white out barns.

My mother in law and her sister in law went back out there on Monday December 26th 2023 to see if they could find any evidence of footprints to validate what we had seen. They found footprints one which measured at 18 in long x 5 in across the toes and 4 in at the heel. We have photos of these. We could not cast them. Some were on the other side of an electric fence in muddy water and some were on an incline so it would not cast just run down it.

ALSO NOTICED: No, it all happened so fast

OTHER WITNESSES: Two Witnesses myself and my mother in law.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 10:15pm foggy conditions at night with light snow

ENVIRONMENT: It was out in the country farms on either side one with an electric fence around it where we saw the creature come from in that direction was a large cattle farm the other side was a farm with a large planting field and out barns on the other side of the road to the left of where the creature was they have lots of chickens there.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

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This street view from Google Maps was taken in summertime, when foliage is in full bloom. The road crossing incident occurred in Winter when there are no leaves on the trees, giving a better view of nearby farms, as described in the witness statement. The incident occurred at night in fog, therefore it is difficult for them to pinpoint the exact spot from aerial photos. They said it happened just after they drove over the top of the "hill" along that stretch of road.

I spoke with both witnesses -- Becky Schindler and her mother-in-law Phyllis Schindler. They are both very credible local residents. Becky is a stay-at-home mother. Phyllis is retired from working for the local school system. They both saw the same thing.

The figure stood 7-8 feel tall and had jet black fur and big swinging arms. With just a few steps it crossed the foggy road from right to left as they headed north, roughly 3-4 car lengths in front of their vehicle. It was illuminated enough in the headlight for the witnesses to see it could only have been a sasquatch.

They were driving slowly because of the foggy conditions, and because there are so many deer in the area that it is hazardous to drive fast on these farm roads at night.

The location is important because although we have heard rumors of sightings in Ohio to the west side of Dayton over the years, we never received a very reliable Class A report until now.

It was thought unlikely because there is continuous development (mostly homes) between Dayton and Cincinnati along the Interstate 75 corridor. Neither deer or sasquatch would try to pass though that wide swath of development night or day. There are no green belts or powerline easements or railroad beds avoiding towns that create a path for deer or sasquatches to cross that wide swath of development. They would need to walk through several large and well lit neighborhoods after dark.

There are several reports on the east side of that I-75 swath of development, especially near, or on, the bike trail following the Little Miami River. But to reach the area where this 12/23/2023 incident occurred, a sasquatch would need to make a big loop around Dayton to the north, north of Dayton Airport, or loop around Cincinatti on the south, crossing the Ohio River to the Kentucky side. The Dayton route is closer to both areas, but there are fewer tracts of trees to the north of Dayton, so less cover for staying hidden when need be.

The attraction of the incident area is the same for all other sighting areas in Ohio -- an overabundance of white tail deer.

One place to look for indications of the presence of sasquatches would be in woods adjacent to Toms Run (creek).

About BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

Matthew Moneymaker is originally from the Los Feliz District of Los Angeles, California.

- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

- Juris Doctorate (Law degree) from University of Akron School of Law

- Founder of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization,1995.

- Writer and co-producer of the Discovery Channel documentary "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science", 2001.

- Co-producer of the TV Series "Mysterious Encounters" for the Outdoor Life Network (OLN Channel), 2002.

- Producer of the "2003 International Bigfoot Symposium" (Willow Creek Symposium) DVD set, 2004.

- Co-host of "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet Channel, 2010 - 2017.

- Current Director of the BFRO

- Available for private bigfoot expeditions and conferences. To inquire please email

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