DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Delta County > Report # 7568
Report # 7568  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, December 15, 2003.
US Air Force retiree encounters bigfoot in Sulphur River bottoms near Cooper Lake
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YEAR: 1995


STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Delta County

LOCATION DETAILS: North off TX hwy 71 on South Sulphur River and East from FM 1531 between Middle Sulphur and South Sulphur River. Most sightings were seen at the end of County Road 2070 onto the Cooper Lake area.

NEAREST TOWN: mid way Commerce and Cooper


OBSERVED: I was born in 1936 and grew up on a farm in Delta County, while working in the field we would see what we referred to as the nude woman. It was a large animal walking upright along the edge of woods and never coming completely out in the open. I left in 1954 to serve my Country for 23 years and returning to same area that I grew up in. Sometime in the mid 1980's after a heavy rain with flooding, my baby brother found footprints where this animal had departed the water and walked around in the mud. In the early 1990's my Mom and Dad were traveling down TX 71 in Delta County and just before crossing the South Sulphur River a large man like animal walked across the road in front of them and stepping across fence and heading north. Again in the 1990's my son-in-law and myself had a couple of encounters with a large animal walking through trees in waist deep water while we were duck hunting in what is now Cooper Lake. Around 1995 while checking my cattle about 10PM I encountered a rather large man like animal (look to be about 8 ft tall) in my light and he went one way and I the other. One never hears of this animal any longer and the only wild animals you see now is wild boar and black panther.


OTHER STORIES: Just the one with in Delta County, where it picked up a pig. See Report #638.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Duck hunt - shaded area of large oak trees in AM and PM. with cattle 10PM

ENVIRONMENT: 10 PM my pasture was cleared and just off Cooper Lake project. Other were with heavy Oak trees and water.

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness of Report #638 referred me to this witness, whom I found to be highly credible. After our initial conversation, I urged him to file a report based on his experiences in Delta County into the 1990's.

The "nude woman" that the witness referred to was some sort of "hairy creature" that used to "dart in and out of the woods by the cottonfields" back in the 1940's. The witness told me that the creature was seen often. The witness said that no one knew for sure that it was female - "nude woman" was just a local name given to the animal by those who had seen it.

The witness and his son-in-law encountered a large, dark figure in the creek bottoms of Cooper Lake. The witness said the shadowy figure never completely showed itself to the men, but made "plenty of noise." The witness said "it was a shame" that he and his son-in-law felt compelled to leave the area even though they carried 12-gauge shotguns with them. Apparently the fear that they felt was enough to overcome any feeling of security in having weapons.

The witness's final encounter with what he considered to be a bigfoot occurred in 1995 as he was attempting to "find a cow in the pecan thicket." In the beam of his flashlight, he saw a "huge mass of hair" just several yards away. The witness said that he smelled a "urine-smell like when a dog wets on itself." The witness said that he stands six feet six inches, and the "thing" towered over him. He judged the animal to be around eight feet in height. The witness stated that the encounter lasted mere seconds, as both he and the creature hurriedly turned and fled the area. The witness heard no sounds from the creature.

The witness believes that the area is no longer a dwelling place for the creatures. He said that he has heard of no recent encounters and he has not experienced anything that may be connected to bigfoot in recent years. He said he always believed that the area was only a transient place of habitat for the creatures.

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