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Geographical Index > United States > Virginia > Prince William County > Report # 71904
Report # 71904  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Brian Robertson on Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
MILITARY BASE: Marines encounter a sasquatch while night training in restricted area on Quantico Marine Base
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YEAR: 1994

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

STATE: Virginia

COUNTY: Prince William County

LOCATION DETAILS: Come off I-95 in VA at Quantico Marine Corp Base exit. Head towards Camp Upshur. Turn right if going south or north off I-95. But main Base can give directions from there. But my old unit is Camp Upshur, Delta Company 4th LAI BTN. I was stationed there 91-95.

[Investigator (MM) Notes:
These GPS coordinates are the witness's best guess for position of the marines when they finally observed the sasquatch that had been loudly stalking them for a long period just beforehand:
38.617919, -77.527675


NEAREST TOWN: Quantico. Main Base VA

NEAREST ROAD: Was a rt road going to our training base

OBSERVED: I was on a training mission at Quantico Marine Base in VA in 1994. Me and my squad were supposed to be a diversion Recon team. To be short we were reversing our way back to our relocation drop off operation point, when we heard something off in the distance paralleling our every move in the power line cut. I had night vision goggles so did Sgt Wright. He was at the rear. As we crossed the power line cut up into treeline it continued to shadow us. We reached crossing point to cross the road. We heard something coming closer. We formed a hasty 180.

Laying on the ground we looked all around us. With my night vision I saw what looked to be something est. 8ft high. I could see shoulders of something on both sides of this huge oak tree. We were startled. No civilian was allowed in this restricted area. We hastily crossed road met others 2 platoons on other side of road gave our security password and proceeded on the mission.

When we returned to base we reported the incident to the commanding officer. He replied "It's a restricted area. That's impossible." Nothing was spoken of it again.

ALSO NOTICED: It happened just outside CAMP Upshure. We were training near base that weekend. We were trucked outside base to I believe one of the other training areas. Given a map and a grid coordinate to objective operation point the bridge outside our Basecamp. We were supposed to Recon the bridge while other platoons reckoned on other side of road. Why 3rd platoon was acting as a element element unknown task force.

OTHER WITNESSES: Sgt Wright, Jerry and Gary Newcome and lcpl Daily and myself.

OTHER STORIES: No I wasn't spoken about after that drill weekend. I was a reservist at the time. Our commanding officer at that time was Capt E.S. Downs. I was his gunner on his LAV-25 and reserve small arms specialist.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Happened between 12am and 3am during training exercise. Was very cold partly overcast no snow on the ground. Just outside Quantico Camp Upshure V A. Remember it like yesterday.

ENVIRONMENT: Hilly, thick wooded land with some spread out farm lands away from I-95

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

I spoke to witness Brian Robertson at length about this incident and recorded the phone interview with the help of ARKnet support. When this recorded interview is available to be shared via the ARKnet app then this BFRO report page will be updated. And notifications with links will be posted for it on the BFRO Facebook Group and the @BFRO_Updates Twitter feed.

Brian had a lot to say and it was all very interesting, about the incident and the terrain and ecology of the marine base. The incident occured in 1994. All of the marines in that small group knew they were being stalked for a while (because they could clearly hear it) by something larger than themselves, something that could easily "bulldoze" through a swampy thorny thicket so dense that the marines would not even try to penetrate it.

Brian says at least two of the marines with nightvision goggles (including him) were eventually able to observe the tall creature in partial moonlight as it tried to hide behind an oak tree roughly 100 yards away. The creature's shoulders were wider than the oak tree it stood behind. Brian guessed it stood eight feet tall.

The area was, and still is, totally off-limits to public use. The area is one small part of a sprawling military base which is mostly uninhabited and undeveloped. It is loaded with old oak trees and deer and many streams. The marines were out in the woods in various parts of the base for only one weekend each month. It is likely the same way today.

How large is Quantico (plus surrounding Greenbelt)?
You could fit both London and Paris within it, with room to spare.

Although Brian could not say for certain that he or the other marine with nightvision googles could discern hair texture at that distance, the size of the creature and it's conspicuous stalking behavior in the difficult terrain, in the dark, logically eliminates all other reasonable possibilities.

Although it was common for marines to be training with nightvision goggles in 1994, it was not common for marines to be training with thermal imagers in 1994. Thermal scopes came many years later. And Marines are just now starting to train with thermal scopes that can record video.

See also the 1957 report from a marine at Quantico: Report 670

For public discussion about this 1994 report on Facebook — search for “BFRO 1995 Group”

About BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

Matthew Moneymaker is originally from the Los Feliz District of Los Angeles, California.

- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

- Juris Doctorate (Law degree) from University of Akron School of Law

- Founder of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization,1995.

- Writer and co-producer of the Discovery Channel documentary "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science", 2001.

- Co-producer of the TV Series "Mysterious Encounters" for the Outdoor Life Network (OLN Channel), 2002.

- Producer of the "2003 International Bigfoot Symposium" (Willow Creek Symposium) DVD set, 2004.

- Co-host of "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet Channel, 2010 - 2017.

- Current Director of the BFRO

- Available for private bigfoot expeditions and conferences. To inquire please email

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