DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > Report # 69564
Report # 69564  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Mason H. on Friday, August 13, 2021.
Witnesses hear multiple wood knocks while night fishing near Mt. Union
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YEAR: 2021

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 12th

STATE: Pennsylvania

COUNTY: Huntingdon County

LOCATION DETAILS: Turn off route 522 onto Auggwick Mills Road and there's a pull off about a mile down the road once off the bridge.


NEAREST ROAD: Pump Station Road

OBSERVED: One night me and my friends went catfishing in a local spot near my town. We had set up at about 8:30 p.m. and we're having a good time. At about 9:00 p.m. we had our first bite and ended up being a 15 minute fight to end up being a turtle. Shortly after at approximately 9:30 p.m. we heard what sounded like our first wood knock. Personally I didn't believe or didn't want to believe what I had just heard. But within minutes we all heard the 2nd knock and were all speechless in what we had just heard. After talking about it for a couple minutes we heard another but this time it came from the other side of the river, speechless yet again we all just looked at each other and within seconds we heard another but this time it was right being us and close. That's when we knew we had to leave. As we were packing our fishing poles in the car we heard 4 loud aggressive knocks within 30 yards of were we parked. We immediately showed the poles in the car and left. After getting several miles down the road we stopped and said let's go back and try and get it on video because know one would believe us. So that's what we did and we got 3 knocks on video.

ALSO NOTICED: One of my friends was there before the incident occurred and when he left he sent us a text and said he felt like he was being watched as he walked out of the woods. This was just minutes before the first wood knock.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9:00 p.m. till about 10 p.m. and very dark

ENVIRONMENT: Forest area with river running through the woods with a road off to the side with farming fields.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Benjamin C.:

I contacted the witness and was able to speak at length to him and his three friends who were present during the encounter. I found them and their account of the events that night to be very credible.

As stated in the original report, the witness and his three friends had gone night fishing for catfish at a local fishing spot on Aughwick Creek, roughly four miles south-southeast of Mt. Union. The witness fishes the area fairly frequently, although never at night. The witness and his friends were the only people present at the site.

At the time the witnesses were fishing from a location on the south bank of the creek, roughly 100 yards east of where Aughwick Mills Road crosses Aughwick Creek. The witness and his friends started fishing around 8:30 PM and at approximately 9:00 PM had their first bite. After spending a quarter of an hour fighting what turned out to be a snapping turtle, the witness and his friends took a pause from their fishing and proceeded to cook some hot dogs for dinner over their campfire.

The witness and his friends also pointed out that the woods by the creek were dead silent. No insects or birds were heard, although there was a light drizzle of rain coming down, which could have contributed to the lack of natural noise in the area.
Not long after, around 9:30 PM, the witness and his friends heard the first wood knock. The witness described the knock as “a high-pitched cracking noise, like wood hitting wood.” The witness estimated the knock was between 50 and 80 yards away. Several minutes later, the witness and his friends heard a second knock, this one seemingly closer, at less than 50 yards away. Both the first and second knocks came from the south side of the creek, the same side of the creek as the witness and his friends at their campfire.

As the witness and his friends were discussing what exactly they had just heard and what it could have been they then heard a faint third knock from across the creek to the north. No more than a minute after this third knock, they heard a fourth knock, again from the south bank of the creek, at an estimated distance of less than 30 yards.

After this fourth knock, the witness and his friends made the decision to the leave, as the encroaching knocks had left them uncomfortable with the unknowns of the situation. They quickly gathered up their fishing gear, camp chairs, and food, put out their fire, and loaded up their vehicle to leave. As they were packing up their vehicle, they heard four loud wood knocks in quick succession less than 30 yards away from where they were parked. At this point, they simply threw their gear into their vehicle and left the area.

After driving several miles back towards Mt. Union, the witness and his friends made the decision to return to the location and see if they could record a knock on video with their cellphones. After turning around and driving back to the parking area by the fishing hole, they parked their car with the windows down and listened. Several minutes later, they heard three knocks, which they were able to record on a cellphone video.

The witness and his friends left and returned to the witness’ house to review the video they took, and after approximately an hour decided to head back and see if they could get further video evidence of the knocks. At this point it was about 11:00 PM at night. The witness and his friends came back to the same location, which was seemingly deserted. Interestingly, the witnesses stated that the woods were no longer silent as they were when they started fishing earlier that night. One of the witness’ friends took a branch and knocked it against a tree to imitate a wood knock. In less than a minute, the witness and his friends heard a knock back. This knock was captured on video as well.

I reviewed the videos the witness and his friends took of their return trips the location, and the sounds recorded on the footage are congruent with other recordings of alleged bigfoot wood knocks. Based upon my interview with the witnesses, the audio recordings provided, and the visual and vocal reactions of the witnesses to the knocks received on the recordings, I feel very confident in stating that the witnesses heard at least two sasquatches communicating via wood knocks that night.

Regarding the area of the sighting, Aughwick Creek is a 30,8 mile long tributary of the Juniata River in Huntingdon County, in south-central Pennsylvania. To the west are State Game Lands 71 and 99 along Jacks Mountain, while to the east is Blacklog Mountain which is part of the Tuscarora State Forest. This part of Pennsylvania is very rural, characterized by narrow valleys and steep forested ridges. The forests in the area are generally mixed-oak forest interspersed with groves of white pine and other deciduous species. Whitetail deer, black bear, turkey, and small game abound in the area.

About BFRO Investigator Benjamin C.:

B. has attended multiple BFRO expeditions: North Georgia 2018 Fall, North Georgia 2019 Spring, Tennessee 2020 Fall, South Carolina 2021 Spring, and Pennsylvania 2021 Fall, Pennsylvania 2022 Fall, New Jersey 2022 Spring and Fall.

He has also conducted private expeditions in New Jersey, Alaska, Arizona, North Carolina, and southern Georgia. His area of responsibility as a BFRO investigator is central Pennsylvania.

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