DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Mahoning County > Report # 69469
Report # 69469  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Michael Brandt on Monday, July 19, 2021.
Couple returning home spots a bigfoot crossing their driveway outside Columbiana
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YEAR: 2021

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 17


COUNTY: Mahoning County

LOCATION DETAILS: [Investigator Note:

Address: 14199 Columbiana-Canfield Road, Columbiana, Ohio

Coordinates: 40.911992, -80.709115

For Google Map pin to the location click here.

NEAREST TOWN: Columbiana


OBSERVED: Through the years I have had several sightings and interactions with what appears to be a bigfoot and family. We own the better part of mystic woods in Columbiana OH. When the gas and oil companies started installing pipelines years back we started having encounters.
I’m an engineer by trade and my wife is a banker.

Tonight yet another sighting by our pond. My wife and I were at dinner and as we arrived home about 8:30 PM a very large fast gray/ silver lite brown (covered in fur/hair) bigfoot darted from bushes in our front into the cat tails in our pond on all fours. We both looked at each other and said did you just see that?!! The subject was down low and bent in the middle as it moved. Unlike a dog, it’s undulating movement was not as fluid as a dog. It was not a bear. It appeared to be from 4-5 feet at the back and torso built like a barrel. When it went into the cattails we were no longer able to see it.

ALSO NOTICED: Moved unbelievably fast. And was very large!


OTHER STORIES: Have had several incidents over the years. First incident involved multiple witnesses.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Warm clear evening.

ENVIRONMENT: Front yard rural pond within 20 ft of overgrown brush.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator James Thompson:

I contacted the witness the morning after the sighting and agreed to meet him there that afternoon. After arriving there I talked to the husband and wife about what they witnessed when they came home last night. After being briefed, the wife went inside their house and I had the husband take me through what he experienced.

From where the creature crossed the driveway the husband thought it might have been picking up horse chestnuts, an acorn type nut, so we looked for signs around the trees. Not finding anything, we went back to where it crossed the drive way.
As they were coming down the driveway, he was paying attention to the edge of the pond, only a couple feet to the left, when his wife, riding in the passenger seat cried out, "What is that !!" As he turned to look, it had aready crossed the driveway and was moving through the yard towards the pond. He lost sight of it when it went into the tall grass and cattails.

I had him place me where he was on the driveway and I had him stand where the creature was when he first saw it. Using my range finder I found the distance to be 16 yards. Not finding any sign in the mowed grass, we appoached the pond. I asked him if he or anyone else had come down to look in this area and he replied to me, no. Nobody had come back to the spot.

Approaching the pond, I could see something quite large had gone through there. At first there's about 4ft high grass that goes in about 6ft before the cattails start. The cattails go another 10ft before there is open water in the small pond.

There were definite impressions in the grass area, about eight of those other than the matted grass. I could make out what appeared to be finger tips or toe impressions, roughly the size of the thickness of a roll of half dollars, in the mud. After photographing them, I backed out to investigate the trail it made through the grass. Other than matted grass, I could not find any impressions in the ground.

The rim around the pond has about 10ft of mowed grass before it reaches the woods. Going into the woods I found nothing out if the ordinary. Coming back to the house, the husband informed on numerous occasions he would see something looking in the windows. His daughter who was visiting at the time saw one watching her, it's face being just below the top of the window.

I looked at the area around the windows. The owner had let the rose bushes grow unattended and they are quite thick in both window areas, but you could see where something had worn an area on the ground. The height from the ground to the soffit is 10ft. The top of window is 9ft.

I went back to the pond to cast the most castable impression out of the ones there. It was a palm imprint. It appeared to be a left palm. The thumb seemed to be laying flat. The next two fingers were spread but were deep into the mud. The next two fingers were visible but not as pronounced as the others.

After removing the cast, the husband called his wife out to look at it.
This gave me the opportunity to question the wife on just what she saw. I had her place me on the driveway where she was in the car when she saw it cross. She stood where it crossed and I ranged her at 18 yards. I then had her take me through from where she first saw it untill it crossed the driveway into the yard. She started by the Horse Chestnut trees walking infront of them about 20ft to the driveway and across into the grass.

I then had the husband go into the yard where he saw it and hold his arm out at the height it was. While he stood there, I had the wife come down and stand at where she thought the length of it from her husband would be.

The measurement I took while they stood there was 5ft tall, 8ft wide. The husband said it was not flat on the ground. He could see it's limbs moving, kind of a jumping.

When I was watching the wife earlier take me through it's path, her dog was following her. The dog paused right before the driveway sniffing the ground then moving away. When I looked at where it sniffed, there were indentations in the ground of similar size as by the pond. I was able to cast that impression as well.

I spent about four hours at the site and found both the husband and wife very credible on what they saw just 23 hours prior.

For Facebook discussion about this report click here.

About BFRO Investigator James Thompson:

Jim served as a Marine Corps helicopter engine mechanic / air crewman for 24 years. He recently retired as a County Veterans Service Officer. He is a lifetime hunter and outdoorsman. Jim has attended expeditions in Ohio during 2019, 21 & 22.

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