DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > California > Del Norte County > Report # 6946
Report # 6946  (Class A)
Submitted by H.K. on Monday, September 22, 2003.
Fifty-four year old salesman has a very close highway encounter
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YEAR: 2003


MONTH: September

DATE: 19th

STATE: California

COUNTY: Del Norte County

LOCATION DETAILS: I stopped at a filling station and the guy told me i was 50 miles from Crescent City... I traveled about 30 minutes up 101 when this occured

NEAREST TOWN: Crescent City Ca


OBSERVED: I am a fifty four year old man living in San Francisco. I have never had any interest in this subject until this week. An old friend of mine moved to Gold Beach, Oregon, and I was driving up to see him. I had never been on Hwy. 101 before, and became nervous driving on the two lane winding roads. I kept pulling over to let cars in back of me pass.

At about 20 miles or so before Crescent City, I pulled off to allow cars to go by, as I went to pull back onto Hwy. 101, I heard the most horrifying scream that I had ever heard. I screamed myself and ducked down on my seat, looking up next to my Honda CRV, was a filthy looking gorilla (best as I can describe) it instantly ran into the tree line a few feet away, and vanished into the dense brush.

I saw it for maybe 3 or 4 seconds at a three quarter profile. I would say it was 6.6 ft to 7 ft high, with a wedged head, and it had very dirty matted dark brown dull hair. Strangely enough, seeing the thing didn’t frighten me, but the scream it gave out only a few feet from my open window almost gave me a heart attack. I never heard a noise like that, and I never want to hear it again.

ALSO NOTICED: The scream it let out a few feet from my car window was the most terrifying thing I ever heard.


OTHER STORIES: Until September 20th I have never gave Bigfoot a second thought. I still don’t really have an interest, but I will never pull over on Hwy. 101 again to let cars pass, or I may never go that way again.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around 1 in the afternoon, and a very beautiful day, but it was in a shady area of the Redwoods.

ENVIRONMENT: Very dense Redwood Forest area on the 2 lane part of Hwy. 101.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Richard Hucklebridge:

Mr. H.K. called me tonight and we discussed his close encounter, with what he now believes was a sasquatch, that was only five to ten feet away from the open window of the passenger side door of his Honda CRV. Mr. H.K. is from a highly populated area on the East Coast, and he has never considered the existence of a sasquatch. He went from a total nonbeliever to a believer because of this close encounter and is still reeling from that incident today. This occurred on the twentieth of September 2003 at approx. 1:30 p.m. about seven miles north of Klamath Ca., north bound on Hwy. 101.

Mr. H.K. pulled over on a wide spot off of a two-lane section of Hwy 101. Of note: This was not a regular pull off area of that highway, and his right side wheels were off of the roadway next to some brush and grass. He did this to allow faster moving vehicles to pass him. As his vehicle came to a stop, the creature stood up between five and ten feet from his open passenger window and screamed, per Mr. H.K., “loud enough to be heard over a mile away.” He said “the first thing he did was to lie down across the front seat, and he also started to scream. He then sat back up to observe the creature." At that moment, he said that he was “scared out of his mind and thought he was going to have a heart attack.”

According to Mr. H. K, the sound emanating from the creature was like nothing that that he had ever heard before. The volume was the loudest thing that he had ever heard. H.K. described the warbling screaming sound, as "a women being stabbed with a knife in the rear. combined with a whistling parrot sound with a high and low frequency that vibrated his body and soul." The noises were all integrated and seemed to be taking place at the same time. The vocalization lasted the entirety of the 5-6 second encounter. The creature took two large steps toward the large redwood trees, located approximately 15-20 feet from the paved road, made a semicircle around the nearest tree, and then disappeared.

H.K. only saw the upper body, because of the high brush and the vehicle door blocking his view. It was facing away from him, H.K. said, “that he was facing north, and the creature was facing southeast, so he could only see the right back area of it.” He did not see any facial features or its hands. Mr. H.K. described the creature as having very dirty and matted dark brown, dull hair. He described the head as having a definite “wedge” on top, and having no neck. He further stated that the back of it had well defined muscles “like Mike Tyson”. He thinks that the creature stood about six and one half to seven feet tall, and weighed over three hundred pounds. He could not ascertain its gender, and he never made eye contact with it. H.K. never checked for footprints, and stated he never wants to use this highway again. He stated his only thoughts after the incident, was how he was going to call 911 for his heart attack.

In Summary: I believe that Mr. H.K. had a very close encounter with a sasquatch creature. The sight of it didn’t bother him as much as the screaming vocalization. The only person he has talked to about this situation is the BFRO, and he wants to keep it that way. Mr. H.K. has never ventured into the wilds, and now never wants to. He stated, that the creature reminded him of a gorilla, and if he saw one in a zoo, he would just pass it by for something more interesting. H.K. is still shaken up over this encounter, especially over the screaming sounds, and is having a difficult time trying to sleep at night. The one good thing that has come out of this incident is that he has gone to church for the first time in thirty-seven years.

P.S. Update: Mr. H.K. found a similar sound wave on our sound site. Name of the scream is klwav1.wav, but his scream was fifty times louder. Also, making a correction on the date, by one day. The encounter took place on the 19th not the 20th.

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