Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Guernsey County > Report # 69304
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, June 7, 2021.
Salt Fork boaters hear a loud, deep howl ("Ohio Howl") from adjacent shore
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YEAR: 2021/06/08
SEASON: Spring MONTH: June DATE: 5 STATE: Ohio COUNTY: Guernsey County LOCATION DETAILS: Salt Fork State Park We were on a boat at approx these coordinates: (40.0805130, -81.5146460)
Sound would’ve came from South of these coordinates NEAREST TOWN: Cambridge NEAREST ROAD: Cadiz Rd/US22 OBSERVED: Earlier this evening (6-5-21) 4 of us were boating at Salt Fork in Ohio. I live less than 10 miles so I’ve fished and boated out here for years. This evening (8pm, lake is very busy with several boats in ski zone), we decided to take a break from the ski zone and headed back into a cove for a few minutes. After going about half way back into the cove, we all heard an unusual sound come from our back left (heavily wooded area). It was loud enough to hear over the motor. I shut off the engine so we could figure out what it was. The only way I can describe the sound is like an old mechanical tornado/air raid siren starting to wind up. The sound had a very unusual pronounced low end frequency, or “bassy” in layman’s terms. You could literally almost feel the sound. There are no sirens located out here. I have never heard a sound like that out here, or anywhere before. We’ve all heard stories of Sasquatch being out here, but I’m very skeptical of this stuff and joke about it usually on every outing. I thought it was unusual, but “Bigfoot” was definitely not my first answer as to what we heard. After we got back home and kids in bed I googled “Bigfoot air raid siren” and eventually came across an audio clip called the Ohio Howl from the BFRO website, and it’s very close to sounding like what we heard, except ours was closer to us.
ALSO NOTICED: Girlfriend said she heard knocking sounds, I do not remember hearing them. OTHER WITNESSES: 3, my girlfriend, a coworker, and his wife OTHER STORIES: We’ve heard many stories about supposedly being Bigfoots at the park, but I’m skeptical and haven’t looked a whole lot into it TIME AND CONDITIONS: 8:00pm about hour maybe before sunset ENVIRONMENT: Heavily wooded area next to lake.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator James Thompson:
I spoke with the witness on the phone and he identified the area they were at, where the sound came from and the details of the encounter. I also spoke with a local bigfoot group that regularly has members that spend weekend evenings doing hikes, camping and investigations in Salt Fork. They reported back to me that they did indeed have someone in the park that night, they were not doing vocals.
I then spoke with park rangers to see if any of their watercraft enforcement craft were active in the area. They were not. DEERASSIC is located across St.Rt. 22 about a mile away and they were not having any activities that weekend.
There is a road adjacent to the wooded area that the sound came from. It is used by night fishermen where the road meets the lake. That section of wooded area does not have any hiking trails and the under brush is very heavy this time of year.
This area as well as other areas like it in Salt Fork has produced many reports from credible witnesses like this one.
About BFRO Investigator James Thompson:
Jim served as a Marine Corps helicopter engine mechanic / air crewman for 24 years. He recently retired as a County Veterans Service Officer. He is a lifetime hunter and outdoorsman. Jim has attended expeditions in Ohio during 2019, 21 & 22.
