Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Wilkes County > Report # 67749
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, February 22, 2021.
Deer hunter sees tree shaking, then see the large shaker, outside Wilkesboro
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YEAR: 2019
SEASON: Winter MONTH: November DATE: 18 STATE: North Carolina COUNTY: Wilkes County LOCATION DETAILS: Take rte 421, east of Wilkesboro, N.C. to rte 115 South, Take 2504 South to Cherry grove Rd. NEAREST TOWN: Wilkesboro NEAREST ROAD: Cherry Grove rd OBSERVED: I saw a bigfoot and I have pictures of its foot prints ALSO NOTICED: Tree structure like a teepee and a bad smell it was black and about 8 1/2 feet tall OTHER WITNESSES: Just me OTHER STORIES: Yes a guy across the road from me saw one at night. It came out of a creek and ran across the road in front of the car. TIME AND CONDITIONS: Day light about 430pm ENVIRONMENT: Mountain ridge
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:
I spoke with Del Kerly at length about his encounter. He was deer hunting on 46 acres of woodland near where he lives. From his stand he saw a tree shaking violently in the woodline. Through his scope he saw a large black haired creature, back in the woods and swaying side to side. It had a cone shaped head and seemed over eight feet tall. Del reported a smell like wet dog also. Some of the hair had a reddish appearance. He saw it for several seconds through his scope.
Other incidents from this property include:
-His nephew had "softball" sized rocks thrown at him from the woods, while hunting. - Stick structures, of odd, unnatural appearance have shown up on the property. -The deer movement on the property has changed, as they seem to be hiding. -Del has found large footprints. -He got a strange picture of what appears to be an arm, reaching in front of his trail cam near salt licks he had place for deer.
About BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:

Rick has been on numerous BFRO expeditions over the last 7 years, and has been investigating witness experiences for 5 years in Wisconsin and Tennessee. He has three times published a guide book to Stick Structures found in the woods.