DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Colorado > Chaffee County > Report # 67551
Report # 67551  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, January 21, 2021.
Hikers find large footprint and unidentified droppings
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YEAR: May 2020

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 11:55

STATE: Colorado

COUNTY: Chaffee County

LOCATION DETAILS: The western side of the Railroad Grade Trail above Chalk Lake. CR 162 parallels the trail approx 300 ft below the trail.



OBSERVED: We normally walk our dog off lead but entering the start of the hike at the west entrance my wife and dog were immediately on high alert. My wife wanted our dog on lead as she was spooked. After approx 1/4 mile I noticed animal droppings that appeared large human shaped under the uphill undergrowth, spaced every 10-20ft. I commented on the size and shape of the droppings with my wife and agreed they couldn’t be human as there were too many and under the branches of the uphill side We discussed how they appeared to be marking a territory. The droppings continued for maybe 150ft. We continue down/East on the trail. At about the 1/2 mile marrk a deer startled us running from the uphill side across the trail and down the other side. My wife was spooked and we turned around to go back. As we neared the spot where the droppings were I spotted a single foot print on the uphill side partly hidden by branches. I took pictures using my water bottle and shoe(size 10) for comparison. I wanted to spend more time but my wife and dog were very agitated. I spent 5 minutes searching for a rock or log or anything that would fit in the form of the print thinking it must have been a rock to have left such a deep, clear impression. No luck. We left in a hurry.

ALSO NOTICED: No unusual smells, no others bikers or hikers on the trail. Our dog was on high alert the whole time. He is a Kelpie Cattle dog, very intelligent and very well trained. We all have spent time hiking in bear country and are comfortable in the bush.

OTHER WITNESSES: My wife, myself and our 4 yr old Cattle dog.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Sunny, cool, good visibility.

ENVIRONMENT: The trail is flat, decomposed granite and sandy, steep mixed conifer forest above and below the trail.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Miles:

I communicated with the witness about the experience that he and his wife had, and believe that they may have observed evidence left by a Sasquatch. The witness is a local business owner, respected community member, and is, in my opinion, a credible person.
Below is a photo captured by the witness of the footprint they observed with his shoe as a comparative measure.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Miles:

Scott is a retired IT professional. He has been involved in Bigfoot research since having a Class A sighting in the early 1980's. With many thousands of hours of wilderness research, he specializes in tracking and survival skills. Having grown up in upstate New York, and spending many years living in the deep South and Colorado Rockies, Scott is a skilled outdoorsman and backpacker, and enjoys mountain biking, hiking and rock climbing.

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