DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Hunt County > Report # 65366
Report # 65366  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.
Woman home alone north of Greenville claims unusual nightly visitor
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YEAR: 2017

SEASON: Summer

STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Hunt County

LOCATION DETAILS: Off Hwy 69 about a mile. At my home

NEAREST TOWN: Greenville

NEAREST ROAD: Hwy 69 north

OBSERVED: I live in Greenville, Tx, north of town, just off hwy 69 North. I have lived here 12 years and have had strange things going on at my house since I moved here. But in the last 2 to 3 yrs, things have really started happening more. I live down a dirt road off of hwy 69. There are a lot of woods around me, also have several neighbors around me too. In late summer of 2017, I was jolted awake in the middle of the night by a loud banging on my house. I knew I wasn’t dreaming because I shot straight up; and at that exact moment, my two little dogs flew off my bed barking and carrying on. I stumbled into the kitchen wondering what could be happening and it was 2:38 am. My two big dogs outside were not barking, which I thought was odd. To make a long story short, I called the sheriff's department. Two deputies came out and found nothing. From that moment on, every 2 or 3 months, I have several incidents for a week or two, then nothing for another month or two or three, then things happen again. This past winter from Nov. 2019 to Feb. 2020, I have had several things happen. On three separate occasions while I have been propped in bed watching TV, I have heard a loud growl outside my bedroom loud enough to hear over the TV. It was loud and guttural. I have had tapping on the back of my house during the night. It is usually always around the same time of night. In Jan 2020, I was once again propped up in bed watching TV and over my TV, I heard something rubbing on the back of my house on the wall where my bathroom is. My bedroom and bathroom run together. My two little dogs jumped off the bed into bathroom at the back wall barking. I’ve had rocks thrown at my house. I’m home alone most of the time. But this past Sat. night, April 18, 2020, my husband happened to be home. Between 11:00 and 11:30 pm, my dog started barking and wouldn’t stop, so I got up to holler at her to hush. As I got to my bedroom door, my cat was laying in my rocking chair next to my door. I paused to pet her and about that time, I heard that same loud, guttural growl at my back door. My cat heard it, wheeled around, and looked at the back door. I went and woke my husband up. He looked out the back door and saw nothing. I went to the front door and opened it and called my dog. She would not get close to the fence and was barking, looking towards the back of my house towards my neighbor's home behind me. All of a sudden, she jumped back, like whatever it was was coming towards her. I ran to my guest room to look out the window facing that direction; and back towards northwest, I saw something huge and dark in color going across my neighbor's back pasture, moving fast. My neighbor behind me lives alone, and she has had the same things happening at her house.

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ALSO NOTICED: Found very large foot print in the mud after an incident occurred this past winter

OTHER WITNESSES: Only me. Always in bed sleeping or watching TV.

OTHER STORIES: Yes, my neighbor behind me who lives alone has had the same things happen at her house and at the same time of night.


ENVIRONMENT: Typical summer night on one occasion, the other times winter during the night with a lot of rain on and off. There are woods all around me, as well as several neighbor's houses.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

I spoke with the witness by phone, emailed several times, and did a Google Earth search of her property. She lives in a small development community with about 8 residential family homes plus out buildings on the west side of a mile long dirt road. A small wooded area stretches behind the residences. About 1/2 mile north of this development is a creek with more extensive woods.
In addition to her report, she stated that while her home was being assaulted on one occasion, she smelled a very pungent odor similar to rotten eggs. Once the activity ceased, the smell was gone.
She sent me two photos of tracks that clearly show toes, however the older photo has no known objects of scale in it. Her husband estimated that it was 14-16 inches in length. After speaking with me, I told her to make sure she included an object of known size in the photo of future track evidence. The second photo was taken after we spoke. Although it had been a while since the impression was made, enough detail is present to make it intriguing. The toe impressions are clearly present and the length and width suggest that it is at or above the limit of human size. I do not see evidence of a human arch, and any person walking barefoot in this part of Texas, in this terrain, on private property, and at this time of year would be virtually non-existent.
I found the witness to be articulate, forthright, and very concerned about these visitations by some unknown creature. It is my belief that she and her neighbor may very well have been visited by a Bigfoot.

About BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

Gary is a retired USAF pilot, a Vietnam veteran with 312 combat missions in the B-52. He also retired from American Airlines in 2008 after 18 years service as a flight training manager. A graduate of USAF ground and sea survival schools, Gary is an avid bird hunter and fisherman. He has been following the bigfoot phenomenon since the 1950's.

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