Geographical Index > United States > Connecticut > Middlesex County > Report # 63731
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.
Recent sighting on Connecticut Water Co. property near Killingworth
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YEAR: 2019
SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: 6 STATE: Connecticut COUNTY: Middlesex County LOCATION DETAILS: North Chestnut Hill Rd. north of Abner Lane. NEAREST TOWN: Killingworth, Connecticut NEAREST ROAD: Rt. 80 OBSERVED: Walking in woods about 50 yds off trail with my adult son. There was a stone wall about about 30 yds from me. I noticed a black figure behind this 2 ft. high wall. The animal was very black. I thought it was a bear at first. After 5 seconds it stood up and walked deeper into the woods.
It looked to be around 5 ft tall. I never saw a face. It just got up with its back to me and walked away fast. It had a cone shaped head, no neck, a slim looking body, very black hair, swinging arm was very long, legs seemed shorter. It moved fast but it didn’t run.
I yelled to my son who was about 20yds from my left. We tried to follow it. My son never had a visual but he could hear it crunching ahead of us. We looked for about 3 hrs trying to see it again but could not find anything. ALSO NOTICED: Saw the creature for maybe 10 seconds total. But we both heard walking for another 15 seconds. OTHER WITNESSES: There were two of us. We were walking towards the stone wall. There was about 20 yds between us while we were parallel to the wall. I was the only one to see the squatch. OTHER STORIES: Yes about 2 years ago I had a sighting at another location on this same property approximately a mile from the location above. I also have casted 2 separate foot prints from 2 different creatures here. TIME AND CONDITIONS: About 11:30am, very bright and sunny ENVIRONMENT: The forest is on Connecticut Water Co. property. I have a permit to hike the property. It’s several thousand acres with a reservoir. There is no camping, fishing, hunting or dogs allowed. This area has many caves dense forest and a lake that is probably 5 miles long.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mike Young:
Lake Hammonassett, a municipal reservoir, is nearby. Water Conservancy property -- no dogs, no hunting. Not stocked with fish according to fishing websites. Connecticut River, the largest river in New England, to the East. Killingworth is about 10 miles Northeast of New Haven, CT.
To the North is a chain of State Parks and Forests that connect up to the Massachusetts State line and the Quabbin Reservoir. To the immediate East is Chatfield Hollow state park, beyond that is the Connecticut River. To the west is New Haven and the I-91 corridor to Hartford.
I interviewed the witness a few weeks after the encounter. He's a Marine veteran who hikes this area 4-5 times per week.
The old wall he mentioned is about 18-24 inches high and over 100 years old.
Witness noticed a black shape. It immediately turned away and walked away and disappeared into the brush. It did not run. He only saw one arm from his angle. 5-6 feet tall, maybe 200 lbs, jet black. 2.5 foot wide shoulders. Went from a crawl to a forward lean. Noticed rump muscles moving. Saw from knees up. No bounce in gait. Did not see hands or fingers. Shiny black hair. No skin seen.
Witness 2 did not see it but heard the footsteps.
Witnesses have heard wood knocks and rock clacking in the same general area.
Goat farms nearby. Gun club nearby, police dog training area nearby.

Lake Hammonassett -- part of the same property where the sighting occurred.
About BFRO Investigator Mike Young:

Mike Young is a BFRO investigator and has attended Bigfoot expeditions in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, and New Jersey. His BFRO investigations have been published in the Albany Times Union, the New York Post, and Fox News Channel.
A data and security specialist, Mike has a Business and Technology degree from Fordham University and a graduate degree in IT Management from the University of Virginia. He has given speeches on IT Security at the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland and Cybersecurity conferences in NYC, Ottawa Canada, and Silicon Valley California. He currently lives in Connecticut.