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Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Grayson County > Report # 63243
Report # 63243  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, August 13, 2019.
Campers hear loud deep howls near Lake Texoma
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YEAR: 2019

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 26

STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Grayson County

LOCATION DETAILS: Fossil Ridge Camp site 153

NEAREST TOWN: Denison, Texas

NEAREST ROAD: Eisenhower Road and I-91

OBSERVED: Had an awesome experience the weekend of July 26th 2019. While camping with my son and his 2 friends, at Eisenhower State Park, in Texas. We were sitting around the camp fire at night, about 9:15 pm, we all heard two howls south of our camp sight. Very deep howls, each lasting 5 to 7 seconds long each, with a small pause between. About 10 seconds later, another howl north west of camp. Higher pitch and feminine sounding.

There are no Wolves or Coyotes in this area. Didn't sound like a dog or anything I've ever heard before. The boys, all over 18, were really excited and stood up looking around. They were not believers in Bigfoot, but that got them talking about the possibilities.

About 20 minutes later, while still sitting there, we heard a "Whoop" pretty close by. That was the point when they no longer thought i was just a weird Dad who believes in Bigfoot. Through out the night any sound we heard, we all discussed and scrutinized it. Best part of it all. I never spoke of Bigfoot until that point and they were the ones making the connection.

The next morning we hiked all around the woods looking for any signs, but found nothing solid.

It could have been something else, but from my experiences, it was real. Another big bonus for me is now my son is interested in going out with me, to research and hunt for of forest friend. I feel truly blessed that my son and I, were able to experience this together.

And now did doesn't think I'm as crazy anymore. Win win win.

ALSO NOTICED: Throughout the night we did hear brush breaking, ( possible Raccoons) heard grunts about 1 am

OTHER WITNESSES: myself plus 3, we werre sitting by the camp fire enjoying the night.

OTHER STORIES: Possible siting 3 weeks earlier


ENVIRONMENT: Wooded with trails, by Lake Texoma Southern side

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

I spoke with the witness by phone. In addition to his written report, he provided the following information about this encounter.

Due to the heat in this part of Texas in July, the witness, his son, and 2 friends were the only campers in this campground. Their campsite was the most northern one on the south side of Lake Texoma. The first set of 2 howls came from woods to the south of their campsite. They were very deep and separated by a 10 second break. The witness is an experienced camper and has heard wolves in Utah and coyotes and said these howls were much deeper and more powerful.

He estimated that they came from at least 100 yards south of their position. The higher pitched, more feminine howl appeared to come from across the lake, 300 yards or more distant.

After the “whoop” was heard, the witness did smell a slight odor but thought it may have been a skunk. Further exploration toward the first set of vocalizations revealed a freshly snapped green tree branch approximately 2 inches in diameter, 10 feet from the ground, and over 2 feet from the tree trunk.

The witness is an experienced camper and self-admitted bigfoot enthusiast. He has attended various bigfoot conferences and has had other possible encounters in Utah, his previous state of residence. I found him to be articulate, honest, and consistent in describing this experience.

About BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

Gary is a retired USAF pilot, a Vietnam veteran with 312 combat missions in the B-52. He also retired from American Airlines in 2008 after 18 years service as a flight training manager. A graduate of USAF ground and sea survival schools, Gary is an avid bird hunter and fisherman. He has been following the bigfoot phenomenon since the 1950's.

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