Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 61066
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, October 11, 2018.
Howls in September, 3AM, from marsh south of Steilacoom, due west of McChord AFB
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YEAR: 2018
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September DATE: 29 STATE: Washington COUNTY: Pierce County NEAREST TOWN: Steilacoom/Dupont NEAREST ROAD: Steilacoom-Dupont Road OBSERVED: My partner and I had spent a week on vacation in Pierce County, Washington. The incident occurred on the last night of our stay. We were packed and ready to leave around 3:30 am but stopped to sit for a minute on a screened-in porch to have a cup of coffee before we headed to the airport. As we sat down, I heard something that sounded like what I thought was a man loudly yodeling not too far off in the distance. I asked my partner if he thought it sounded like someone who had been drinking. The sound changed to a very loud “call” starting with a long “whoop!” followed by a long, anguished-sounding howl/cry (about 10 seconds long). For a second, I thought maybe someone was being harmed because the voice had a very human male quality to it, however it became quickly clear it was not human. After a minute or two, we heard a very similar whoop/howl/cry for the same length of time (approximately 10 seconds long) coming from a further distance away. My partner and I stood at the door listening to these calls go on for a couple of minutes, trying to determine what we were hearing. This was not a familiar sound to either of us. We closed the porch door to shut the sound out because we were both completely shaken by it. I didn’t even want to go load our bags into the car. On our way out of town, we thought about calling the PD to see if they had any reports but because we had to get to the airport to catch our flight, we decided against it. Since arriving home, we have listened to many recordings of different animals to see if we could rule anything out, but we cannot find anything like what we heard. My partner and I both have experience living and recreating in wooded, natural areas and are accustomed to hearing coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, foxes, owls, elk, deer, etc. I lived for many years in Pierce County and consider myself very familiar with it. This was something outside of “normal” for us. OTHER WITNESSES: 2 people - my partner and I OTHER STORIES: Just the other incidents reported on this site. TIME AND CONDITIONS: 3:30 AM. Cool, clear weather. Outdoor lighting in yard surrounded by darkness/wooded area. ENVIRONMENT: Neighborhood butts up against large wooded area and small swamp/wildlife refuge.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Chris Gonzales:
I spoke to the witness by phone and she seemed like a very intelligent and reasonable person. She was about to leave for the airport early one morning and sat down to finish her coffee. The house in which she was staying has a screened in porch area. She and her boyfriend then heard strange human like howling from a distance. She then heard a second similar response in a different area farther along from the first vocalization.
These are other details that she relayed to me in our interview.
The witness described the howls as starting as whoops and then transitioning into human like howls of anguish or distress.
The couple initially suspected the howler was an intoxicated male since it was around 3:30 in the morning.
The witnesses immediately determined the howls were too intense and animal like to be coming from a human.
The location is near an wildlife marsh area next to Joint Base Lewis-Mcchord in Steilacoom, Wa.
The particular area has had several Bigfoot related incidents in the past, including vocalizations.
It is my opinion that based on the location and history of the area this witness experienced a possible vocal interaction between two Bigfoots. ______________________________________________
[[ Note from Matt Moneymaker:
In the southernmost reaches of Puget Sound there are marshlands with loads of wildlife. There are also Sasquatch sighting locations in the general vicinity, extending back decades at least.
It would be especially helpful to know if Sasquatches inhabit the Nisqually National Wildlife refuge, not far from this howl location, south of Steilacoom and west of McChord Air Force Base, because Nisqually is right outside Olympia, where decisions about wildlife policy are made for the state of Washington.
Washington has long been the most progressive state when it comes to Sasquatches. Washington will likely be the first state to openly admit that many of its employees have encountered Sasquatches. On that basis the state will, I predict, officially accept the reality of Sasquatches without needing to see physical remains (at least not for all to behold).

About BFRO Investigator Chris Gonzales:
Chris is a native of California and has lived in Washington for over 21 years. He has served 11 years in the U.S military. He currently works as Site Coordinator in the city of Preston, Wa. He has attended multiple expeditions in both Washington state and Canada.